What to do with a hay crop?

lundi 27 juillet 2015

I recently purchased 3 acres of land here in Colorado.  We’re building a home on it.  I’ve never done any farming and I know less than zero about hay.  I was assuming the land was just some sort of grass that I could mow as needed.  But I just learned it’s a hay crop and the previous owner would bale the hay.  So what do I do?  Can I just mow it as needed?  Will a hay crop hurt the mower blades?  I was planning on just going out and getting a riding lawnmower and treat it like grass.  Or are there people out there that would come and bale the hay for me? Is there any profit in hay?  Just not sure what to do so wanted to get some advice from experts.  I’m not in a position to go out and spend money on farm machinery.  The seller is still going to be living on the property next to us so it might be possible to see if he wants to continue doing that for us, but wasn’t sure if it would even be profitable for him.
Thanks for any advice.

What to do with a hay crop?

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