Cutting fields that aren't square... grrr... Any tips?

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

3 out of the 4 fields I have aren't square.  Happens when you live on a rivers and creeks.  I have a NH 1465 haybine and I'm constantly struggling with finishing off the V's I end up with.  Hay gets caught on the right side if I drag it over a windrow to start cutting again.  Hay gets caught on the left side if I try that.  If I drive real slow I'm fine.


I don't remember this problem as a kid.  We had an IH 1190 haybine at the time, and I know that the left side of the haybine wouldn't catch on any cut hay.  You could drive with it down right through a dropped windrow and it would just eat it up.


I've checked underneath and everything that is supposed to be smooth is smooth.  I've played with different heights.  No change.


Any suggestions? (besides buying a discbine, which I'm sure fixes this problem quickly.)

Cutting fields that aren't square... grrr... Any tips?

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