Brush hog then till, mow/bale then till?

jeudi 23 juillet 2015

I have a long term lease deal in the works and have a few questions on what you guys would do with this years "weeds"!  The plan is to some how take care of this crop, do soil amenities that are recommended from soil sample, chisel plow this fall, come back in the spring 2016 chisel, disc, pack, and seed to teff or some other annual for the summer.  Then fall of 2016 plant to an OG/Alfalfa mix.  With that, I can not use any type of chemicals on the property as it is in a watershed area and the company doesn't want to deal with politics of the sort.  I can fertilize how I see fit however no round up or anything along those lines.


1st field is about 11 acres, wooded on all sides.  Has a variety of overgrown weeds, seeded out timothy, over mature OG, and a barage of clover.  Some mole hills, and bunch of ruts from being brush hogged once per year by the company that owns it.  (First 3 pictures)


2nd field is roughly 4 acres with pretty much the same variety as first field.  (2 middle pictures)


3rd field is 35 acres on a decent slope.  However it doesn't seem to be growing much of any good hay able grass that I can tell.  Is definitely wet near the bottom. (Last 3)



Attached Thumbnails

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Brush hog then till, mow/bale then till?

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