Teff experiment

samedi 25 juillet 2015

I thought I would try to experiment no tilling teff into timothy stubble since timothy typically is a one cut deal here and goes dormant after first cutting until late fall. I cut the timothy in late June and had actually planned on no tilling rr beans into it and just using the timothy as an annual crop as that has worked well for me in the past. With the dry weather we had at the time though I felt that beans would be too risking of getting a good stand and by the time we started getting rain I felt it was too late to plant beans.

Decided to experiment and try to drill teff into the timothy without killing it with hopes that the mostly dormant timothy wouldn't compete too much with getting a good stand of teff and that the timothy would come back for a cutting next year without having to replant this fall. With the rain we got last week the timothy actually greened up and grew a little and I was worried it might be too much competition with the teff but I went ahead and drilled it anyway.

Drilled it 3 days ago with a JD 1590 using the small box, with the openers on the shallowest setting and the least amount of spring force on the press and closing wheel with the down pressure at the lowest setting. Looked at it today and to my surprise the teff is mostly up. Thought I would share my experiment and will keep you updated on how it does.

Teff experiment

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