NW Ohio... alfalfa drowned out?

lundi 27 juillet 2015

I hope I'm wrong!   We were lucky and got our first cutting done July 4th weekend.  All went well, but now we are noticing on the growth of 2nd cutting it's only about 6" tall now (been almost 30 days since last cutting) and it should be much taller.  It was a beautiful stand of 80% alfalfa and 20% orchard grass.   I plan on taking a good walk this week to see what I'm really dealing with (if mosquitos don't carry me away).  It appears from the road that much of the alflafa is gone, ill-colored or majorly stunted.  (only 3rd year on this seeding and it was absolutely perfect before 17" of rain in June and July)  We've finally got some heat and dry days coming the next week or so.. maybe it will spring back, but I'm not holding my breathe.  Anyone else around the midwest seeing this also?   It's been a year like no other around here...  as a matter of fact, quite a few guys are just now getting first cutting finished up this week.  It's not pretty, but if what I'm seeing is for real, there won't be much of anything to sell around here and any hay will be worth it's weight in gold this winter.    

NW Ohio... alfalfa drowned out?

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