What would you do??

vendredi 31 juillet 2015

I mowed 15 acres yesterday of alfalfa. Hay didn't dry much since the humidity was high and partly cloudy. Today clear sky's humidity in the low 40's dried quite abit. But it has bleached on top because of the dew Thursday night and will have another pretty heavy dew tonight. Top half was stem snapping dry this evening. But the bottom half is still pretty green. Would you rake it up and hope it bales tomorrow night or let it lay tedded out till Monday morning rake and bale Monday night? Can't do anything to it Sunday land owner won't allow me to. I know it will be bleached pretty bad if it lays till Monday, and not sure the bottom half will dry since it's matted down pretty tight to the ground. I do use acid and the humidity is supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow night with highs in the 80's slight 2 to 4 mph wind.

What would you do??

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