No tilling seeded Bermuda grass

mercredi 1 juillet 2015

I wanted to plant a sprigged hybrid Bermuda grass but with no local availability of sprigs for the small field I'm planting I decided to give a seeded variety a try.....hopefully the yield won't be too much less than tift 44 or Alicia. Ordered Cheyenne II from Pennington.

I'm wanting to try to no till the seed so I won't disturb the ground and cause crabgrass to germinate. This field was timothy but after 1st cutting I sprayed roundup to kill it so the field is 2 inches of just killed timothy stubble. Will this be a good enough seed bed to no till into and get a good stand? I have a JD 1590 drill with small seed box I'm hoping to use but am concerned about putting the seed too deep even with the shallowest setting. I have heard about letting the tubes from the small box dangle and dribble the seed on the ground but am concerned this won't get enough seed to soil contact since the single disc openers on a JD hardly disturb the soil unlike coulters on other drills.

No tilling seeded Bermuda grass

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