Hay field cover crop

lundi 31 août 2015

Hey guys - I'd value some input here.


I've got a small field I'm reclaiming - only about 3 acres.


Normally I'd take the no-till approach, but it's kinda rocky with a lot of small tree roots - I decided to just plow it, pick the rocks and roots, and disk it smooth.


Now I'm staring a nice flat field of dirt wondering what I should do.


The ph/fertility will be a joke, I don't even have to do an analysis - I'm very familiar with the land in this area - ph will be well below 6, so it's going to take some time to bring it up to where it needs to be.  


I plan to do orchard grass here.


I'll hit it with lime of course, But - I'm thinking I may do a cover crop now and orchard grass seed in the spring   Thought process being to improve the soil as much as I can before creating what will be a weak stand of orchard grass.


I don't do this kind of thing very often, so I'm a little unsure of myself.


IF you were to use a cover crop - what would you use, and why?    I see winter rye used a lot, but I'm wondering if white clover (or maybe some other cheap legume) might be a better choice to help the soil out a little bit.    


I may be over thinking it - but I would like to know what others think.


Oh - I'm in Massachusetts.



Hay field cover crop

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