Timothy - One More Question

jeudi 20 août 2015

Firstly - I much appreciate everyone's replies to my hay growing, equipment, - everything hay questions - most helpful info.

Timothy - I read where it is a relatively short lived grass, sometimes 1-3 years. Susceptible to traffic, over grazing, drought, etc.

You got a prime stand of pure timothy hay and each year you begin to loose some of the crop.

How to you keep a stand of timothy populated over time? Broadcast overseed, drill in some amount each year?

I understand the lime and fertilizer side of timothy - but to keep the field going - timothy only, is it a reseed thing or a - you get to a point and kill down or and or plow under your old stand after 4 or 4 years and start over.

Any advice is much appreciated.


Timothy - One More Question

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