Queens Anne lace in grass hay field?

lundi 24 août 2015

Hay fields of grass hay (Timothy, blue grass, orchard, broom and bits of clover and alfalfa ) are FULL of Queens Anne lace flowers!

Fields were largely untouched last 15+ years until we bought 2 years ago.

Our front field of 3 acres was cut week after memorial day this year and now covered in Queens Anne lace. Don't remember this problem last year. I even went through 3 weeks ago with haybine set to cut those and foxtail (?) Off before going to seed. No regrowth on foxtail (?) But have just as much queens Anne lace as before (although cut stems have no regrowth).

Back hay field of 10 acres was lightly fertilized early june, first cutting around mid june. (Need to do soil and hay test before fertilizing again )
Back hay field had the lace too, but not as bad.

Should I keep clipping off the lace heads, or should I not worry? Again I do plan to fertilize later, but am worried about more weed seeds taking hold?
Probably have another 2 weeks before second cutting on front field. 3 to 4 for back field.

Thoughts or advice?


Queens Anne lace in grass hay field?

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