Planting hay in harvested corn field

vendredi 28 août 2015

Hi All,

New to the forum and new to haying.


I have 11 acres on my property that was a mis-mash of assorted grasses, clover, weeds etc. that was being cut and baled by a local beef farmer.  It was getting pretty tired and production was starting to drop off.  This year we leased it to another farmer and he's planted corn.  We're planning on taking back a couple of acres for next year and planting a grass mixture for our not so active horses.  I'm looking for advice on what I should be doing and when.  Times for corn being harvested in my area is a little hit and miss because of the fall weather and the last few years some farmers haven't gotten it off until the following spring.  If the corn gets harvested in the fall without any delays what steps should I be taking to have hay for next year.



Planting hay in harvested corn field

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