Krone EC320. Burned Clutch. Plugged.

jeudi 27 août 2015

You guys all raved about these and so does everyone at the dealership so I got one a couple months ago. Everything ran great until Monday. We cut about 3 hours on it then the first disc got all wrapped with hay. Mower was stopped within 10'. I pulled everything out and sent the mower back around. It got all wrapped again and the clutch was super hot. All the discs were locked up pretty good. Great dealer support had the mower picked up within a couple hours and in their shop. They put a new clutch in it and pulled the discs apart. They were all plugged with hay. Service man said to set the mower to cut lower and see if that changes anything.


Anyone had this issue with hay getting under the discs and smoking the clutch?


Shop mentioned that you can smoke the clutch in these pretty easy if you plug it and said one customer has 3-4 mowers and has burned a couple clutches.


Picture one is with it halfway plugged. It was a big ball and wrapped around that first disc pretty bad.


Picture two is from the dealer showing everything under the turtles.


Picture three is original cutting height.


Picture four is original cutting height again. Not sure I want to set it lower?


We cut this field last year with a NH 617 and didn't have any issues. Granted we've had more rain this summer, but not much difference.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20150824_184052.jpg
  • 20150825_161337.jpg
  • 20150827_150358.jpg
  • 20150827_150414.jpg

Krone EC320. Burned Clutch. Plugged.

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