Prices may vary . . .so will results.

vendredi 14 août 2015

I was up visiting a friend on the Lower Southfork valley outside of Cody Wy. He had just paid a custom guy to put up some hay. The conversation got around to pricing and I about choked when he said that swathing was $30/acre. The cost per bale to bale and stack were about right at .60c each. Around here, and I can see the Lower Southfork from my front window, swathing is 17 to 20/acre.
There is no argument that the guy did a good job, he did. Like most custom guys he was a little busy and the timing wasn't perfect, but he put up a nice product. He also ran a pull behind rotary swather, an inline baler and a 1049 wagon.
I should mention that the lower Southfork area is fairly isolated, one highway in and out, and there are a limited number of people doing custom work up there. It occured to me that anyone doing hay work can pretty much set their prices due to lack of competition.
My question is this. Do you see wild variances in custom pricing in your areas?

Prices may vary . . .so will results.

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