Straw sales to gardeners

lundi 11 avril 2016

I did some small square bales of straw last fall, first time I've done that. Made a few thousand bales kept a couple thousand for me to sell.

They sat and sat and sat with very few sales, I was wondering if I had made a big mistake. Then this spring my phone started ringing from gardeners wanting to build raised beds and wedding planners wanting to basically rent bales. I sold out rapidly. I'm hoping to do maybe another thousand bales this fall.

I know it's not hay but I found it fall easier to bale as our area is nice and dry that late in summer. I'm considering doing some more and shift to more of my hay to round baling.

The biggest limit on the market seems to be about 50% of the gardeners want organic straw. Wheat here pretty must needs anti fungal spray or the wheat is garbage. I don't know if there are any varieties that make a ton of straw but don't throw much seed?

Straw sales to gardeners

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