Always trying to improve

samedi 19 août 2017

New to HayTalk, although I've been reading for quite some time. I am always looking for knowledge and ways to improve the efficiency of my operation, as I did not grow up farming.
I square bale about 60 acres of mixed grass hay in Middle Tennessee for my own show horses. Every other year or so I rent a haybuster from the local Co-op and drill ~8 lbs/ac of Persist Orchardgrass, sometimes add some KY31, and sometimes add some Timothy. Every other fall I lime a ton per acre, every March I spray either 2-4D or GrazeOn Next, and every April I fertilize with 60-60-60. I always run a few soil samples, but am always suggested the same thing at the Co-op.
The weather in middle TN is such that we get one good cool season cutting, and then it gets too hot, so the Orchard, Fescue, and Timothy stop growing, and in my case Johnsongrass and Dallisgrass take over. Following my 2nd cutting, I usually spray an ounce per acre of Outrider to try and control the Johnson grass, but if I miss a year, it comes back twice as strong. Also, I don't like feeding hay that has been sprayed with herbicide, and it seems to be stunting my stand of Orchard.
I don't know anything about growing alfalfa, but worry about blister beetles and the risk or horses consuming them. I have been told grasses like Bermuda or Teff raise the risk of impaction in horses' gut.
I am looking for any suggestions or information on improving my operation in any way!
Thanks so much in advance for all of your help.

Always trying to improve

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