Trouble making it up a hill.

mercredi 16 août 2017

Looking for ideas on how to fix this hill. It's a tad steep but I have others that are the same angle.

The problem is about halfway up the hill is rock, so jagged edge of the rock juts out. The RTV hangs on these as the wheel spins. With multiple ATV's I can make it up the hill no problem.

My idea was to take a sledge hammer and bash the rocks so they are not jutting edges so the wheel will go over them. I could not bust the rodk.

I added gravel hoping to level it all out ....that didn't help, the gravel soon worked away ...RTV never made it up the hill.

Can't go out and around due to lay of land I have to find a way to go through this obstacle.

Trouble making it up a hill.

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