Sericea or AU Grazer Lespedeza Condensed Tannins

mardi 15 août 2017

I have been trying to read up on condensed tannin (CT) forages such as sericea lespedeza. I think I would have a good market as well as personal use for it.


It seems that, in a lot of places (including some older threads from this site), sericea lespedeza is considered an invasive weed. Even seed sellers caution to check state laws concerning it prior to planting. It appears that there are more threads on here dealing with killing it more than growing it (The FBI refers to that as a "clue").



I have tried Birdsfoot trefoil in pasture (it is also a CT forage), but they aren't kidding when they say that it lacks seeding vigor!! It seems to only grow on the other side of the fence and around the field edges.


AU Grazer has been mentioned, in passing, a few times on this site (TimSouth IIRC), and I believe that it is a finer stemmed sericea lespedeza that is specifically bred for hay/forage? It understand that it has less CTs than "regular old" sericea?


It is my understanding that CT s do two things (one good; one bad)
1) reduce palatability
2) have the potential to help control anthelmintic-resistant gastrointestinal parasites.


I know that I have a customer or two that want me to grow it, but the “reduced palatability” which is associated with Tannins is more than a little concerning to me.

I'm looking at doing @10 acre patch in it, and I hate to have a flop.I am up in the air between AU Grazer or go back with the ladino that has been played out. (I don't think I have the PH high enough for alfalfa yet; will know for sure when soil samples results get here.)

If you recommend AU Grazer or sericea, do you grow it with a grass or as a pure stand?




Sericea or AU Grazer Lespedeza Condensed Tannins

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