Can we kill something

dimanche 27 août 2017

Is there a way to kill all the interfering adds on haytalk.  IE is unusable on this site and I have been using Firefox for posting, but it is getting to the point where it is almost as bad as IE.  


I can type a word in a post and then have to wait several seconds for the next word to be displayed or the work may not be displayed and I need to retype what I had already typed, and then the crashes I am experiencing is getting kind of aggravating.  In IE you can see in the lower left corner words flashing like it is loading ads and can see the word ad in the sentences that flash by.  In Firefox the little icon on the left side of the tab is constantly flashing like it is loading something.


It is not just my home computer, but the different computers I use at work.


My Ipad is also giving me problems with my posts I am working on suddenly disappearing.  I cannot say if this being caused by the site or if it is an Ipad problem.


The interesting part is while I am typing this I have not had any issues, but then there are no adds being displayed except at the bottom and it is not actively changing.  .

Can we kill something

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