Feeding calf's

vendredi 25 août 2017

My 2 calf's are 3&4 months old, both are off milk and have been eating bag starter feed very good for 2 months now...


Question ....


I bought 13% grower mix from CPC Carolina, can I feed them too much of this ??


On a side note this mix is so much better priced compared to store bought bag feed, smells like fermented cow feed should and @ 160$ for a 1600lb sack I can afford to feed them as much as they want...


They are pined in a lot with free choice hay & water, I don't have a creep feeder, I cut a barrel in half and have been dumping 3/4 of a  5gl bucket in it every day, they always eat it all... can I feed them too much of will they only eat as much as they want??


They are looking very good and gaining weight, even starting to look fat, their poop looks normal, and they drink plenty of water, I just don't want to rush things and make them sick...


I'll post some pics of them later..


Thanks, Chris

Feeding calf's

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