Best starter round baler?

lundi 28 août 2017

I am looking for some advice on a simple round baler that an almost novice could keep going.

I and my wife and kids are just starting a new life back on the family farm after about 20 plus years after being away in white collar work.

In the between years I have always been the free labour for my parents and reasonably practicable with everything else hay-wise but never baled as we always had an old faithful workman, who kept our old New Holland baler going with some baler twine and some old fencing wire. But he is now well into his 80s and no longer keen to keep going.

Last few years we have had contractors do the baling, latest one is pretty good and reasonably priced, but I am keen to reduce costs and do it myself.

We do around 3,500 round bales a year (meadow and oats) and looking for some recommendations that I can get to grips with that aren't too complicated. Also reliability is obviously critical.

Appreciate people's thoughts.

Best starter round baler?

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