Managing RTV Refueling

mardi 22 août 2017

After putting about 10 hours and 50 miles on our X-1120, it was ready for some fuel. I've been told never to run the tank dry and that its probably a good idea to fill it up when it gets below a half-tank. It was just a touch below half-tank.

So I ordered a plastic container (yellow) from Amazon and thought I had avoided those contraptions with valves that always seem to break. But it turns out, it has some crazy switch where you have to arm the valve and press a lip against the neck of the tank. And once your docking maneuver is complete, there is no air vent so the vacuum does not let the fuel flow like it should. No kiddin, this is a real acrobatic feat. And when you have a bad shoulder, its just way tougher than it has to be.

Please tell me there is a solution that you have all found that makes re-fueling the RTV a non-event. Tell me the government hasn't take over this facet of our lives as well.

I am going to put some icy hot on my shoulder and stew about this for awhile.

Managing RTV Refueling

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