Gleaner K Bean setup

lundi 2 octobre 2017

So that K that I bought earlier this year is set up for corn and all I have are soybeans this year. I'm trying to get all the adjustments and measurements and all that other jazz figured out to harvest beans soon. I have both The Operators manual and the service manual to help me figure it out but that only helps if I know all the terminology and what the heck pieces are as I've never in my life had a combine and don't have anybody to teach me. Can somebody give me instructions on how to get this thing set up for beans? my time frame is kind of limited because I am getting married in less than 2 weeks and will imagine the beans should be about ready then too. While she is very understanding and helpful with everything on this property, she even wants me to get one set up for her to drive, we are getting down to the nitty-gritty and need to focus more on the wedding preparations.

Gleaner K Bean setup

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