H7220 mower noise

lundi 2 octobre 2017

My moco has been making a strange noise, more like a bang here lately. It only will do it while down and mowing. It has gotten worse with intensity, as in now it is noticeable in the tractor. I have replaced the u joints and upper roller bearing on the gear side a couple of weeks ago. I thought the bearing was the issue, but after taking it out it was fine. I already ordered the new one so I went ahead and put it in. I reset the roller gap on both sides. The cutter bar does not seem out of time and when it jumps or bangs it does not miss any hay, which has led me to believe it was the rollers. But I'm stumped, any advise would be great.


I bought the mower new in 2014, the problem seemed to start last year but has gotten progressively worse this year.

I have tried slowing down rpm and speeding up seems to do it either way.

Also will do it in extremely heavy or thin hay.

Will not do it unless mowing, u can run it up and it will be fine.

YouTube link:

H7220 mower noise

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