Looking for fellow Vermeer 5400 users

mardi 3 octobre 2017

I am wondering if anybody is still using a 5400. I have been using one for about 7 to 8 years now. I really like the baler for a few reasons. One is I can use a Massey 451 that sips diesel to run it it. lol I have been able to work out all my small issues as they have come along but one that is really starting to make me look for another baler is twine arm on the right (as you face the front) periodically will hook the string around the twine arm which will stall the electric drive motor. I have done the timing and twine arm spacing adjustments. I stop the arms about an inch prior to uncrossing. Neither arm touches the other on the way in. Last night I crawled under it and noticed that the right arm has a lot more slop in when extended out about 3/4 of the way. The other arm is rigid. Last season I pulled both arms to check the plastic bushings on both ends and both looked new. No wear I could see. I don't know if this slop could be causing the problem or not but was hoping someone could check theirs to see if that right arm has much slop or not.


I would really like to get this issue figured out. I had open heart surgery a couple years back and having to get off the tractor, on the ground, cut the loop, and get back on the tractor and wrap again is getting to me. I guess I should be happy I can still do it. lol


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Looking for fellow Vermeer 5400 users

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