Lowering cutting height in OG due to lodging

samedi 2 juin 2018

I am a complete convert to higher cutting heights in orchard grass.  I use high stubble shoes and have the tilt cylinder locked up.  However, this year presents a challenge due to the severe lodging that we have.  I already know based on my test cut for tune up purposes that I am going to have to reseed my new field due to lodging mortality.  Large swatches of absolutely nothing growing.  Painful because there was a great stand everywhere at the beginning of April.   I am not going to go back to regular shoes but I am thinking of tilting the cylinder down, guessing that makes 2-3" cutting stubble and closer in spots to try to cut as much of the lodged stuff as I can.  Otherwise, I just pull it up each time I ted or rake.  What would you do in my situation, lower cutting height or not?

Lowering cutting height in OG due to lodging

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