Max Trailer size for x1100c

samedi 2 juin 2018

My spraying business has exploded and I’ve reached the capacity of my 100 gallon tank. I’m wanting to expand my capacity because I’m spending so much time filling. Currently if there’s very few trees I can average about 10 acres every 75 mins and that’s with one fill up. I have bought a 30’ boom to compliment my 30’ so I should be able to drop that down to an hour. However, I would like to not stop and fill so frequently.

I’m considering building a trailer for a 300 gallon tank (maybe bigger), Honda pump and a 30’ boom. Possibly making it dual purpose and use it for Hydroseeder when I have a break. Right now I’m about 140 acres down and while I won’t get this ready this year, it’ll be a great winter project.

Question is, how would the buggy tolerate a 300 gallon tank and trailer. Best guess would be around 4000 lbs. doesn’t sound like much to me but far over the “advertised” rating.


Max Trailer size for x1100c

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