MDP Haying 2018

vendredi 1 juin 2018

I thought I would stop in and give a quick update.  We are planning on cutting end of next week if the weather presents an opportunity.  I am located in West Michigan and we have been getting regular spring showers.  Unfortunately the property I hay is low with clay based soils which means it takes longer for the ground to dry after rains.  The fields are definitely ready to be cut as the orchard grass is forming seed heads already.  I am optimistic that we will get it cut next week.  Other than that the equipment is looking good so far! And I am looking to build on my experience and have a better year than last!


I will take pictures and post links to videos I upload to youtube.  I do not have a shadow of a doubt that I will have more questions and issues that come up!  I am extremely grateful to everyone on HT that has contributed to my progress.  I literally knew nothing when I started! I am happy to say that I at least have a shaky foundation to build on now thanks to you all!  I look forward to learning more from you all this year.

MDP Haying 2018

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