Central Kentucky, when to mow or leave 'last' cutting?

vendredi 12 octobre 2018

This is the first year I've had alfalfa on this property. It has been a rough year as it has not done well. But each cutting it is much better than the last. 


Anyway, last cutting was about 2nd week of September, and we thought it was going to be done. My guy packed up and took his equipment home for the winter. 


But we have had hot weather and lots of rain, and now my alfalfa/OG looks the best it has all year. It is about 14-16" high without blooming.


The question I have is... do I cut it this late or just leave it? I don't have a 'need' for it and my major goal would be to do whatever would be best for the field for NEXT year. 


What is your opinion? Wouid just leaving it be best for next year's crop or should I just have someone take what they can get this late in the year? The weather has NOT been great for haying and given the hurricanes, I suspect it won't be very good for at least a week if at all. 

Central Kentucky, when to mow or leave 'last' cutting?

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