Winter seeding... with NT drill?

mardi 23 octobre 2018

I have some weak pastures that were put in last fall, but due to the incredibly wet winter/spring, I had parts of my place that only have about 25-30% take. Everything else is weeds. I wanted to overseed this fall, however, again, the wet weather kept me out of the pastures. 


I don't know what this winter will be like. Last winter, I couldn't get out in the fields at all because they were wet and soft. The winter before, I could drive over everything without leaving a tire mark. However, I am trying to figure out what to do with these weak areas of my pasture.


They currently are OG/KBG planted into a soybean/corn field. Some areas are great and others are awful. I am fearful that the amount of 'bare' ground will allow lots of henbit to grow over the winter. I've even thought about pulling out the sprayer and spraying it, to clear the ground for seeding (should it show up again in the weak areas.) 


But, I was also thinking that if I had enough cold days in Jan/Feb to get a hard ground, could I take a NT drill over the ground and overseed OG/KBG directly? I know people try broadcasting, and there is a thread here discussing it, but it seems like there is significantly varied results. OSU has an article discussing using a NT drill in such a manner, but I wanted your opinions as well.


My issue is, I have weak grass (with good soil samples although I am going to recheck samples hopefully next week, if I get a day of dry enough weather.) and either need to spray the weeds which showed up this summer or put something in which can out compete them and fertilize the heck out of it. 


Spraying dicamba/2-4D (Weedmaster) pushes me back 30 days for reseeding. If I spray mid march, that pushes me to mid/late April to Overseed. I was hoping that by seeding in winter, I could get the grasses growing, and spray weeds In April or so, hopefully not hurting the new grass that much and getting a better handle on weeds. I think if I can just get the grass growing well, the weeds won't be an issue. 

Winter seeding... with NT drill?

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