Hesston 6610 uneven windrow

mercredi 17 juillet 2019

I have a 6610 hesston mower with a 16 foot single auger head with steel on steel rolls. I the mower works well for me except it seems to make a clumpy windrow. Like instead of feeding through evenly it goes through in clumps. Also it seems like most of the hay goes through the rolls right at the center. There is a rubber flap in the center and a piece of fighting on each side that looks like they were added on. Wondering if I removed some of the extra fighting it would help. The add on fighting I'm thinking might be bringing too much hay to the very center.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20190717_131350.jpg
  • 20190717_131417.jpg
  • 20190717_131431.jpg

Hesston 6610 uneven windrow

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