Weed control for pasture and hay field

mardi 16 juillet 2019

My pastures are becoming dominated by broadleaf plantain, and it's creeping back into my hay field adjacent to the pasture. I also get a lot of Queen Anne's Lace (wild carrot). Since the hay field soil pH is up to correct levels I don't see hardly any wild carrot there this year...yet.


In the past I used 2,4-D for plantain but it seems like it's losing it's effectiveness.


I have clover and a little bit of alfalfa in the field.


I also get a lot of heavy brush along the fencelines, especially along woods.


Looking through all the herbicides is mind-boggling. Looks like I am limited to Pursuit or Raptor for this field (5.2 acres)? But it's expensive.


What are some good weed control options I could do?

Weed control for pasture and hay field

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