New SERVER should fix email issue and give us SSL

lundi 29 juillet 2019

I want to thank all our members who have put up with lack of email notification that has been going on for over a year. Some members get the notification but many do not. This is due to my email server not being 'recognized' by google/gmail and other big email carriers. Part of the issue was my server was marked as a spammer and the other part was I could not afford SSL for this site or for the mail server.

I have looked and looked for an affordable way to fix this to no avail. So, I'm going to bite the bullet and commit to move to another server that offers everything we need but it costs twice the price of my current set up. If I wanna play, I gots to pay.

So, we most likely will experience an outage or two as I try to make this work. I will post a notice but if you are not online that day don't fret, we will be back as soon as possible.

We will be on a new IP address so it is imperative that you know how to flush your dns records so your browser will point you to the new IP where FF will be hosted. I have a lot of work to do before this happens but hoping sometime in the next week or two to move to the new environment.

To flush DNS on windows computers go to command prompt and type:
ipconfig /flushdns [and hit enter]

more info on this here:

Keep this info handy as when the site is not available you won't be able to see this post.

Be ready. Working with host admins now. We might be down for a day or two. Refresh your dns / flushdns to get to the new server the quickest once we are up.

Working with them I am not in control of when we drop off line. So this is the only notice you will see on this. It could happen tomorrow or ....later this week. Thanks for your patience.

Wish me Luck!!!!

New SERVER should fix email issue and give us SSL

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