Annualizing Timothy Production in the Mid Atlantic

vendredi 1 avril 2016

I have had a lot of trouble with timothy production over the last several years after having a field that produced well for almost 10.  I have had real issues with speedwell but Grazon Next just took it out and is not supposed to hurt timothy, so we will see.  Some folks around my general area annualize timothy, plant for one year production and then go on to something else like wheat etc.  Having one good field of Timothy fits my business well as it is harvested slightly later than the OG so I keep slugging.  A few questions:


How many are doing this-Once and done timothy?


I looks like it would be a burn down after first cutting and regrowth, about aug 1, mid aug plant date here, and heavy seeding rates.  I plan to only do no till probably at 12#/ac and drilled and x drilled so about 25# total.


I would plan to spray for winter annuals about the end of October on the newly established timothy.


I would let it go two years if I just got a really good set.  


If I do this for several years, seems like I would have the crab grass under control-is that wishful thinking?


Any thoughts on this approach would be welcome.  rick

Annualizing Timothy Production in the Mid Atlantic

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