Grain Sorghum/Milo

jeudi 23 juin 2016

I have decided to plant some grain sorghum instead of double crop beans. I'm hoping that between our usual summer drought and the damage that deer do to soybeans that the grain sorghum might work better on most of my ground. This is going to be my first time growing it.

I'm going to be no tilling it with a 1590 JD drill. I'm trying to decide if I should plant it on 7.5 inch rows or tape off every other tube and plant on 15 inch rows. Which would be the better?

Should I apply all the nitrogen broadcast at planting or do a split application with part at planting and come back and top dress with liquid nitrogen? I have been told I need 80-100 units of N.

Grain Sorghum/Milo

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