Planning for fall. What to plant?

mercredi 22 juin 2016

Starting to think about fall planting.  Wanting to drill some wheat/rye/oats/etc after our last cutting on about 10-12 acres to bale in the spring.  Not sure what is going to be our best option.  Originally was going to get 1st cutting off the field, and plant Teff for the summer, then spray the whole field, plant some wheat in the fall, put Teff in again next June, then reseed a perennial hay mix.  Time has gotten away from me, and here we are almost the end of June, and haven't been able to put the Teff in, so I'm thinking of changing my game plan.  This hay field has not had much done in the way of fertilizer, seed, herbicide for the past 20-30 years, just had hay taken off of it.  So, it has been pretty thin, with some weeds and briars mixed in.  I no tilled rye and a grass mix last August.  Didn't do as well as I had hoped, but it was a dry fall for us.  We figured on a mediocre 1st cutting off of it, but ended up with about 1.75-2 tons/acre, and got it before the weeds started, so we stayed ahead of it.  Fertilizer truck is headed out this afternoon, with rain coming tonight, so hopefully that will help what is already there.


So my question is, what is going to be my best option for a fall seeding to get ready for next year.  Probably going to spray 2,4-D in a couple of weeks, and hope to have a decent 2nd cutting.  Would like to plant a cereal annual this fall.  With the grass looking better, I hate to burn it off, just to reseed.  Any suggestions?  I appreciate any input.

Planning for fall. What to plant?

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