How Bad Is My Hay?

jeudi 30 juin 2016

The Haying Contractor mowed it on Saturday when everyone else was baling, but that does not matter now, it is what it is. Then Sunday afternoon he teddied it out to dry. Then on Monday he raked it in the afternoon in preparation to bale it.


Monday evening his baler broke after making one bale.


Tuesday night it started raining and rained until 4 AM today (Thursday).


He said he is going to borrow a baler if he has to and finish the job with today being the only day possible due to more wet weather arriving. So my question is as posted: how bad is it going to be? Mulch hay now? Feedable hay but with high nutrient loss?


This is the second time this has happened in as many years and I can honestly say I am DONE WITH HAY! 2 stinking weeks of weather without a cloud in the sky and my hay gets rain on...again. Time to go to silage I guess.

How Bad Is My Hay?

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