WANTED: Gearbox for New Holland 260 Rollabar Rake

mercredi 22 juin 2016

Hello, I'm new to this forum and searching for a gearbox for my old New Holland 260 Rollabar rake.........the 258 is working fine, but gears are worn out on the 260!  Raking with ONE rake when I'm used to raking with the twin rakes is getting annoying very quickly.  If anyone can help I would certainly appreciate it.  I'd prefer to find a salvage part if possible......since the New Holland dealer wants practically the price of a rake for a gearbox...........:(.  Thank you.  P.S. Since haying is underway,,,,,,I'm in the tractor a lot, if anyone can help, my cell is 701-460-7847, or answer here, or via email orvedahl@westriv.com.  Thank you.

WANTED: Gearbox for New Holland 260 Rollabar Rake

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