Hemp Dogbane - Not Poisonous?????

dimanche 12 juin 2016

Reading about noxious weeds, came across this article from Penn State:


Part of the article reads:

"Much of the literature on hemp dogbane claims that it is poisonous to livestock, but these claims were based on an early investigation in which oleander (Nerium oleander) was mistaken for hemp dogbane. While the two plants belong to the same family and their leaves are similar, all parts of oleander are extremely poisonous to humans and all classes of livestock. As little as 0.005 percent of the animal's weight has proven fatal to horses; 12 ounces could be a lethal dose for a 1 ,500-pound horse. A human being can die from eating a single oleander leaf.

Hemp dogbane itself actually poses little danger. Animals find fresh hemp dogbane distasteful, but can eat it in hay without suffering ill effects."



Hemp Dogbane - Not Poisonous?????

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