Prowl h20

mardi 31 janvier 2017

I searched the threads and limited info on the prowl. Still fighting foxtail and have one field starting to get sanburs in the edges. I've been told prowl is my answer but must be applied before feb 15. Label says 1-2.5qts / acre so how much are y'all putting down and getting good control? Tia

Prowl h20

Is Hay A Good Business To Be In?

I am considering a purchase of 20-25 or so acres here in Texas to hopefully someday build a house on (live in town now with my tractors and toys but things are too crowded, plus i want this land as an investment)

My question is Ive done a lot of things before but never have run a hay operation. I have a ~40 hp tractor and a 30 hp tractor and a flexible working schedule with my day job.

How practical would it be to raise hay on this. How many cuttings could I expect in north/east Texas in a normal year? How hard is it to sell your hay? Should I consider making round bales or squares?

Do i have a chance of actually making money on this? Not looking to get rich, only to cover the cost of equipment, property maintenance/taxes, and a little something for my time. Thanks.

Is Hay A Good Business To Be In?

Fencing Pliers

I have a standard pair of fencing pliers, the ones with the hook end for driving under staples and two sets of wire cutting jaws. My question-can you sharpen the jaws and if so how

Fencing Pliers

Cultivator ID

I have this Cultivator I've had for years and I don't have any idea what model it is. I'd like to get parts for it. I would love to know. Any ideas?

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Cultivator ID

Rock breaker on tractor loader

my loader tractor is a JD5075M.  I have the old style jd quick detach setup with snap pins as retainers.  my question.  Can you make a rock breaker work on that kind of tractor (reasonably-I know with enough money you can do anything).  Open hydraulics so I am not sure if you could run the piston or not, but I am guessing not.  Just breaking field limestone sticking up high enough to trap the discbine.  My other plan it to partner with a friend who has a skid loader and run it on that.  Any thoughts?  thanks

Rock breaker on tractor loader

Skid Steer

My father in law is looking for a skid steer that can lift about 1200lbs. He only wants to spend 4k tops on one ( told him 6 would be easier to find). Mainly going to be used to stack 4X4 round bales and clean stalls in barn. Any recommendation on what to look for? Been searching for him found a bunch at 6k but nothing worth anything lower than that. 

Skid Steer

Laredo Bermuda Grass

Has anyone here ever planted it? And how did you like it.Any problems with it?

Laredo Bermuda Grass

Questions about Telehandlers

OK, in the "what off the wall thing are we thinking this week" 


Jeff is considering a way to load van trailers with small square bales  -- lots of discussions on here and I've read them multiple times.  We've done the "push with tractor front loader" but that hasn't worked well on the pup trailers and do not want to try it on the 53' ones.  A skid steer and build portable ramp (also discussed on here) is a possibility but would be more involved in buying skid steer/build ramp/set ramp at loading process.  Telehandler would seem simpler.


It won't be a lot of weight but a long reach.




What size telehander works best for 53' vans?

My friend Google has showed me that forward reach, not lift height, is what I'm looking for.


What is the best attachment to either handle, squeeze, pinch, grab, push, claw, smack, slap, punch, etc. ?

Manufactures do themselves a disservice by not making their products easy to find, especially the lesser know name brands


Do all the telehandlers have the hydraulics needed for the attachments?


Are there telehandler brands to avoid?


Any good dealers with older, used telehandlers?


Appreciate any instructions using them or anything else we should know.






(and they say to work puzzles or thing like that to keep your mind active; we're always thinking about something puzzling like this -- maybe in overachieve mode  :) )



Questions about Telehandlers

Yall heard about "B-wrap"??

The local JD dealer threw a little hay clinic/supper the other night... was a pretty nice deal.  They had some stuff for sale out there on display with a 'show special' price on it (not that special from what I could tell) and after our brisket sandwiches they had the Deere baler guru they'd flown in from Iowa give a talk about care and feeding of the Deere round balers.  He was a Deere baler guru in the Ottumwa, Iowa plant for about 30 years or so, before he left to work for Ambraco, the company that makes the Deere net wrap and one of the largest and oldest netwrap manufacturers out there.  In addition to a ton of information on fine tuning, care, and feeding of the Deere netwrap mechanism on the Deere round balers, he gave a presentation of their new "B-wrap" option. 


What is B-wrap??  It is a new netwrap system that works in Deere 7, 8, and 9 series balers.  You have to install a special kit (about $700-800 bucks or so) with a special sensor, but once the baler is equipped, B-wrap can be installed in place of regular net, or swapped back out for regular net, in about 5 minutes-- about the time it takes to load a new roll of net.  B-wrap is basically a special roll of netwrap that has breathable film bale sleeves attached to the netwrap itself.  When the baler starts the netwrap cycle, a turn and a half of netwrap enters the baler and wraps the bale in the standard way, as the wrap continues to feed, the breathable film sleeve that is attached to the next turn and a quarter of wrap feeds in with the net and completely encapsulates the bale across the width of the net with a waterproof, breathable sleeve of material.  As this layer attached on top of the net passes the special sensor, a metal "tag" (looking sorta like metal duct tape) triggers the sensor, which then "times" the point at which to cut off the netwrap... another turn and a half of netwrap is wrapped over the plastic film, velcro-like "sticky patches" pull loose from the roll, and the net is cut off automatically in the usual manner.  The remaining film and sticky patches wrap the bale and the velcro patches lock the net in place to itself (since there is no hay sticking through the net to assist in locking the net in place.)  The bale is then ejected in the usual manner. 


The cost is about $6 a roll for a 68 inch bale.  This compares to about $2-3 a roll for regular netwrap.  They advertise it as "barn kept hay without the barn".  Evidently they have been working on this for a number of years, they even experimented with feeding Tyvec house wrap (waterproof film) into round balers with net to "waterproof" the hay bales, but unfortunately the problem is with regular plastic film is when the hay inevitably sweats (as all hay does after being baled) the moisture released condenses on the inner surface of the plastic and causes a layer of slimy white mold to form on the outside of the bale touching the plastic.  B-wraps film, while consisting of a plastic membrane inner and outer layer, has a layer of "fuzz" in between similar to Tyvec (I tore a sample off some of the waste section he pulled off the roll to demonstrate how it works) and this membrane has micro-pores in it that wick moisture from the bale side to the outside of the wrap, which then evaporates away.  It locks out moisture from rain, snow, and ice that falls on the bale from the outside.  He demonstrated this with a clear plastic cylinder with a seal in the middle of it, into which a piece of the membrane film was placed and the top and bottom half of the cylinder was locked back together.  Colored water was poured into the top and would sit on top of the film several inches deep, yet when the bottom half of the closed cylinder was pumped up with a small hand air pump (like a blood pressure cuff pump) the air would bubble through the film and colored water and out the top of the open cylinder.  He said that the film isn't ENTIRELY waterproof, of course, as anything with small pores wouldn't be... If it rains continuously for days, the film will get SLIGHTLY damp on the underside by the hay, but as soon as the rain stops and the wrap dries off, the moisture will be wicked right back out through the film and evaporate, keeping the hay fresh. 


He said that experiments they've done, baling hay in the same field, on the same day, with the same baler, alternating between the B-wrap and regular netwrap, and storing bales side-by-side, that when they feed a bale of regular netwrap hay and then bring in another identical bale of B-wrap hay, the cattle will leave the regular netwrapped hay to get to the B-wrapped hay, because it's "fresh as the day it was baled". despite being stored side-by-side with the regular netwrapped hay from the same field.  He said they have YouTube videos of this as well. 


He went on to explain that B-wrap isn't for EVERY bale... first cut stuff that's not as good, would probably just be wrapped with regular netwrap.  BUT, high value, or high-storage loss hay like alfalfa, sorghum-sudan, corn stalk or straw bales, peanut hay, etc. are excellent candidates for B-wrap net.  Second or third cut hay that is harvested at precisely the right time and is of excellent quality and desired to be sold at a premium is also a good fit for B-wrap.  Since the regular netwrap and b-wrap and easily interchangeable, it's easy to switch between B-wrap for the best hay, and if some gets rained on or part of the field is weedy or something and not as desirable and not worth the cost of B-wrap, it's easy to switch over to regular netwrap again for that part of the field. 


The other drawback other than cost is the fact that due to the dimensions of a standard roll of netwrap, which will do about 120-150 bales or so (depending on bale size and number of wraps), a roll of B-wrap, due to the additional thickness of the film and velcro patches attached to the basic netwrap that makes up the roll of B-wrap, is only capable of wrapping 35 rolls of hay, and the B-wrap costs the same per roll as regular netwrap. 


It was a really interesting presentation.  He discussed one of their "beta testers" they had worked with in Georgia, who was baling several thousand rolls a year of peanut hay, which is quite vulnerable to storage damage from moisture and such.  He couldn't sell the B-wrapped hay at a premium because nobody knew what it was and they weren't willing to pay extra, so he just sold it at the same price the first year and added a few rolls onto every load, and told them "store this side by side with the regular netwrapped hay, and then feed two of them side by side and tell me what you think".  After his customers saw the difference the B-wrap made, they started specifically asking for more B-wrapped hay and agreed to a higher price for it. 


Anyway, it's really interesting some of the technology that's coming out.  He said the cost is the biggest holdup on it for now, but he said he could remember going out 20-25 years ago talking about how farmers needed to switch from twine to netwrap, and guys balking at $2-3 dollars per bale cost of netwrap over a buck's worth of twine on a bale..."but how many folks use netwrap now??  Most everybody!... This is the coming thing..." 


It was pretty neat. 


Later!  OL J R :)

Yall heard about "B-wrap"??

Hull-less Orchard Grass

I have read where hull-less Orchard germinates quicker than hulled. Typically hulled Orchard grass will germinate about 17 days after moisture. Does hull-less germinate faster?


Regards, Mike

Hull-less Orchard Grass

Knott Creek Ranch.

lundi 30 janvier 2017

From sagebrush to heck of a story and a heck of a lot of work by some good folks.


Regards, Mike

Knott Creek Ranch.

A Case For Soil.

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike

A Case For Soil.

Ford 8N value?

I have a restored 1949 Ford 8N listed in the classifieds with pictures. Does anyone know here what the going value should be for one of these? Thanks for input

Ford 8N value?


Has anyone installed a LED bar light on top of the x1100 using OEM wiring with any issues such as wattage cause I am wanting to put a light bar on mine and I am not sure if I can use a 30" 300w light bar


PTO Bale Wagon for 2 String



I apologize if this topic has been covered in the past.  I have searched all the archives but not found the information I am looking for.  If its out there please point me in the correct direction.  


I have a very small operation in NV.  I have 2 fields that are flood irrigated.  One is 7 acres and the other is 22 acres.  We have lots of water and lots of sun so we get about 235 tons of alfalfa per year.  We usually green chop the first and last cutting and bale the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.  That's a lot of hay to stack by hand.  I have a pto driven 2 string Hayliner 425 baler that I use with my 50hp tractor.  It makes really nice 80 to 90 lb bales.  Obviously I have the ability to adjust the length.    


I am looking to find a pto bale wagon that picks up 2 string bales.  My one requirement is that the bale wagon has the pushers for unloading.  I plan to store the hay in stacks outside (one bale unloading is not required).  I have been looking at the NH1033 but I am having lots of trouble figuring out which one of their wagons pick up 2 string bales.  I was wondering if anyone could recommend/comment on which type of bale wagon might be good for my operation.  I would like to keep it PTO driven as I don't need another engine to maintain.  I also would like to find something in the $5,000 to $10,000 range.  


Thank you for your time.  I appreciate all the information that you all provide on this helps immensely.  


PTO Bale Wagon for 2 String

Colorado Ranch

In the 70's and 80's,I had a 550ac. ranch in Western Colorado near the town of Crawford. Pop.100 the majority of which were ranch families. Primarily cow/calf operations, I ran sheep. Elevation of the area was 7000ft. so hay was the primary crop.15" of annual prec. made it a semi arid high mesa environment. We were on a ditch system that collected snow runoff. My ranch was a long canyon with many connecting fields that gave me 100+ acs of alfalfa/grass and 20acs of oats or barley. I would get 2 cutting on most fields and a well that gave 3 cuttings on 1 long field. The well saved my bacon on dry years when we would have a 3 day run of ditch water. The well was good for 300GPM. The long fields allowed me to wear the water out, runoff from one field to the next.

 I started out with 1200hd of old Wyoming Columbia ewes that I paid $10.00 per/hd. I would keep replacement ewe lambs to build a younger bunch. Coyotes were a nightmare. One night coyotes got into a bunch of replacement ewe lambs on alfalfa and killed over 30, Man, that was hard to take. Mine was a one man show, I did have a sheepherder. There was a 20,000ac BLM allotment adjacent to my ranch that I had use of. It was good spring and fall grazing. I also owned 430 acs of high mtn pasture below the Ragged Mtns near McClures Pass. I lambed in March and sold fat lambs around Labor Day.

 Life was good. Divorce ended it. I'm almost 74 now living in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia running a small bunch of sheep. Life is good again!

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Colorado Ranch

Well Finally, Lambing Season 2017 Started

dimanche 29 janvier 2017

It is about 2 months late due to our warm fall, but finally lambing season started and in earnest. Not a great start number wise, 3 mothers dropping one set of twins and two singles. The singles are stocky, twice the size of the twins, but they are singles! All are perky and doing well, so zero mortality rate so far, but I doubt that will last! If you got livestock, you are going to get deadstock, especially with lambs, but despite all the work, the 2 hour checks, the middle of the night lambings, I still love lambing season.





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Well Finally, Lambing Season 2017 Started

Solar water pump/system

Anyone use or have experience with a solar water pump for watering livestock?

Looking into a pump/system to pull water from a pond. Rough starting plan is to push water uphill to waterer made from a large excavator tire. Then run overflow line back down to pond and run line/lines (from bottom of large waterer) to at least one (at most three) smaller tire waterers that are located downhill. Smaller, lower waterers will have a float and valve to control water level.

Whole system will need to be protected from freezing temps. Hoping the large uphill waterer will stay open due to circulating water (will need battery to maintain flow overnight). The lower tanks can freeze over with valves being protected in the bottom of the tanks. Lower tanks should stay open with drinking pressure from cows then freeze back over when not in use.

Any comments/questions on this rough plan would be appreciated. Also if someone could recommend any products or suppliers for the pump and solar system would be great. Only systems I have looked at were on ebay. Thanks for all comments, questions, and suggestions.

Solar water pump/system

Snow plow emergency lift idea.

samedi 28 janvier 2017

I have read several posts about being 'stuck' if/when the plow lift dies. If you are using an actuator or winch, or maybe even if using hydraulic, do this.

Carry a good, heavy duty ratchet strap in the tool box. I am lifting my plow now with a cheap, too small one. A good heavy duty one would be an excellent backup. Useful for other stuff too of course.

Snow plow emergency lift idea.

Farm King Bale Wrapper

Does anyone have any experience with Farm King's 3pt silage wrapper? How does it compare to Diamond and other wrappers in the $4-6k range? We plan on only wrapping a couple of hundred bales, 400 at most if we wrap the dry hay.  Thanks

Farm King Bale Wrapper

Chain Saw

On our farm my son has to large chain saws .I was looking to buy one with 14 or 16 inch bar just to have around for simple clean up ,maybe just a bit more quality than average homeowner quality , but not to heavy want to trim from bucket. Is this Stihl MS170 or 180 any good ,?  What would be better? Would be replacing Stihl o11

Chain Saw

Where To Start

Ok so we bought our farm about three years ago been haying on shares since we got it.

The guys doing the hay dont want the help take care of the land so going to do it my self so it can sell some of the hay to help pay .

Cant do it on my shares alone and make anything and i like to learn new stuff anyway.



Here is my problem the land hasn't been limed ,fertilized, or seed for about 15 years while other family owned it.


I know i need soil test first but i got to do the rest i steps as i have low budget.


So do i lime, fertilize then seed or do i fertilize, lime then seed. Thinking i should seed last after soil is better.


What order do you guys think will produce the best results for good quality hay. 


Thinking I would like to plant orchard grass and legume mix of some kind.

Where To Start

Winch cable question.

vendredi 27 janvier 2017

I have a New Old Stock 2500 pound pull Polaris winch that I am going to mount on the front of the RTV to lift the snow plow with. The winch looks just like a Warn winch, for reference. I need the power cables to be on the left side for convenience in wiring.
I can mount the winch on the front bumper, in the OEM holes for the winch, without the fairlead, IF I can wind the cable on the winch drum the other way.

Can I pull out all the cable and wind it in the other direction without harming the winch? I have never replaced a winch cable on a little winch like this and am not sure how it fastens to the drum.

If I can do this safely, I can get the winch installed much quicker. Come spring I can remove the winch and install the fairlead bracket so the winch will be useful as a winch as well as a 'blade lifter'.


The reason it needs to be reversed is that it it comes over the top of the drum, with the power connections on the driver's side, it will clear everything and work fine for the plow.

Winch cable question.

Looking for a used Auto Wrap II or Bale Command II

Just bought a new cab tractor and I need another bale monitor. If any one has one that is complete with harness let me know. It is for a New Holland Roll Belt 450 Utility.

Thanks, John

Looking for a used Auto Wrap II or Bale Command II

Importing Red Fire Ants

Tripped across this Univ. Of Missouri video while looking for cattle and hay information.  Thought it might be of interest to some folk of the Southern Persuasion on this forum.







Importing Red Fire Ants

Tying The Knot.

From Progressive Forage Mike Seckinger....... a farm equipment mechanic in southern Indiana. we know this author??.....Mike10 of Southern Indiana??....I don't think this is a coincidence.



Regards, Mike

Tying The Knot.

3x3 Square Baler Plunger Disassembly


Any of you ever pull the plunger out of a Hesston 4755 or Case IH 8575?  What's all involved (plunger rollers, crank connecting arms, etc), and where should I foresee the biggest headaches to be?  Our mechanic at Hoober (Denny Engle, awesome guy) recommended pulling it out of the front or the top, so will need to pull off central lube and knotter blower assemblies.  


Reason being, bottom of plunger has some metal torn up and the bottom knife can no longer mount to the plunger (from last owner, I assume he hit a rock).  Or work on the plunger inside the bale chamber?  Problem is some metal needs cut out and replaced...would be easier to weld and fabricate if plunger was out.  


-picture attached for representation

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3x3 Square Baler Plunger Disassembly

641 ford won't fire

jeudi 26 janvier 2017

can't get it to fire much less run. here's what i've done:
all new items are: plugs, points, cond, cap, rotor, plug wires, coil, coil to dist wire, items from that wire to points, dust cover. also i have good spark when the points break. i don't have the old items to compare to the new items, such as the rotor. but, i'll admit, the new items are not "genuine ford". i'm not close to a dealer. parts were purchased on line from various suppliers like yesterday tractors, ssb, reliable, etc. worked on it several times several hours this weekend. timing is approx 4 before tdc. compression is 120 on all cylinders. rechecked everything spark/fire related. has good spark everywhere. have the valve cover off to watch the valves (overkill since compression is good). i choke it till fuel runs out the carb but plugs don't seem to be wet. i've had each plug out, held against the head and shows good spark. just in case my timing check was flawed, i lifted dist and rotated 90 then 180 degrees. didn't help, put it back correct. it won't attempt to fire. i just need to get it to try, running right would come later. battery is charging now. i definitely have fuel to the carb. some time back, i put a kit in it. when i did that, soaked it over night in carb cleaner. i had the carb off as recently as yesterday. it was full of fuel. i'm more than willing to do it again and again. i thought fuel was not getting to the plugs since fuel was running out of the carb but the plugs were not wet. that's also why i poured fuel in one plug hole but still no fire. i put my hand over the carb air intake and it has,what i believe to be, good suction. i'll re-examine the carb and use the canned carb cleaner and brake cleaner to blow it out. also, i sprayed starting fluid in the carb while cranking but no attempt to fire. suggestions please.

641 ford won't fire

any members near Stanford Kentucky

Just curious if there are any members in the surrounding areas near Stanford Kentucky. I was looking around at dairy farm for sale and saw one in that area. Just curious as to how much dairy farming is going on and what farms go for in the area. Don't worry about me and the wife impeding anyone's hay business. She is dairy or die. The only way we could even entertain the thought of moving there is if we can milk cows.

any members near Stanford Kentucky

How to determine when to harvest alfalfa

What method(s) do you use to determine when to harvest your alfalfa? Do you utilize different methods based on pure alfalfa versus mixed stands? I'm doing a little research and was very curious as to what is being done. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!


A. PEAQ Stick


C. Scissor Clippings

D. When the weatherman says go

E. Growth stage

F. Other ___________________

How to determine when to harvest alfalfa

Stick Stoppers -Peanut

Hello to all,
Recently purchased a 2006 RTV 900 with only 145 hrs. and got a road trip out of it to boot. I'm pleased.

Is Peanut still around and does he still make his now famous Stick Stoppers??


Stick Stoppers -Peanut

New Idea 5209 hp requirement

I currently use a New Idea 5409 9' 3 pt mower on a JD 2640 (70 pto hp).  I get along fine with that, but it is beginning to wear out.  I like the New Idea gear boxes and have had little trouble with it.


I'm considering changing to a carted or pull type mower.  There is a NI 5209 near me for sale and I have heard good things about this mower.  I would like to get a windrower to avoid having to rake, vs a straight mower. 


My hay is grass but I have one 20 ac field of new seeding alfalfa, and may convert some others.  I usually have 13-18% humidity during haying season so dry down is usually not a problem.  Uniform dry down is a problem, as light grass drys at a much different rate than the heavy grass.  I'm putting this up in 4x5 rounds - NH BR740


All of my neighbors mow/condition/windrow and then bale the windrow directly.  

I usually use a V rake to put the two 9' swaths together.  If fertilized, the hay is usually to heavy to combine, and fit through the back of the V reliably.  I then use an old side delivery which ropes the hay.


Is my 70 hp JD enough to run a disc mower and the rubber roller conditioner?

Should I consider a Kuhn flail type instead? That would have less of a horsepower requirement?

Any other thoughts or suggestions for my mow rake system?





New Idea 5209 hp requirement

Being the Middle Man

I am from a dairy farm background where livestock was basically moved on and off farm via livestock dealer. On my sheep farm I do the same, but as I make the transition to full-time sheep farming (as opposed to logging/sheep farming which is what I do now), I have been wondering if I could not bring my own lambs to market.


Now I am not stupid, I know when you eliminate the middleman you make more money, but you must also do his work; work that is underappreciated. But lambs are small, and broken down over a 4 month sell period, it would not take much of a trailer to make the weekly trip to Flames in MA where my livestock dealer takes my sheep now. I would have the time and it might increase profitability even taken out the cost of traveling.


But I have never been to a livestock auction. Excuse my ignorance on this, but is it something I could conceivable do? That is bring a trailer load of lambs down and sell them myself? Flames is a direct-to-slaughter facility. I am not thinking I will get rich by any means, I just mean make a wee bit more per sheep. Right now when the livestock dealer sells me sheep they are always worth top dollar because the market is robust, but when I sell matter when it is, there is always an excuse as to why they are not paying anything for them. He also claims he loses money with every sheep I sell, but he always shows up at the farm an hour after I call. Funny how he is always eager to lose money.


I have NOTHING against people making money, we all need to eat, but whether it is lamb, logs or gravel, it seems I am always on the low end of the deal.

Being the Middle Man

What Is Your Biggest Competitor

As you are selling your premium horse quality (and priced) square bales, what is your competitor - round bales of hay or low quality/cheap mixed grass/weeds square bales?

I thought cheap squares, but have been surprised at how many horse owners drop a round bale in a feeder for their horses. Sometimes I see the horses nibbling on the round bales (which are uncovered) standing in a drizzle.

What Is Your Biggest Competitor

2017 Haying Photos and Videos

mercredi 25 janvier 2017

I figured it's time to get a new thread started for 2017. I know it's a bit early but things coming along pretty good here so far.


They're trying some Cereal Rye for an early hay crop this season. It was drilled in on Nov. 3rd and was an 1" high within 4 days. The stuff is coming on a bit sooner than I think it should in this area but with a Winter with almost no cold weather so far what can you expect. We did have about 7-8" of snow about 3 weeks and two nights in the single digits but that's really about all the Winter we've had. We've also had 7" of rain already this year.


These were taken Jan. the 5th.








2017 Haying Photos and Videos

stroke counter

Does anyone use a stroke counter? If so who makes it?

stroke counter

Kuhn GMD 600 manual



trying to track down an operators / service manual for Khun GMD 600 i recently purchased. Can anyone help?


Thanks and regards

Kuhn GMD 600 manual

Fuel Filter install on RTV1100

I installed a bowl type filter on the RTV since I didn't care for the in-line filter. I made the bracket from thin angle rounding off the corners. I used a 6A320-58862 filter. I mounted it to the rear tapped hole on the frame. The filter has a third hose fitting in the center which I ran up to the top of the fuel tank, there is a capped off fitting to which I attached it to.

Fuel Filter install on RTV1100

1000 gallon tank

What is a 1000 gallon aluminum nitrogen tank in good condition worth. I bought one for $1000.00 and thought that wasn't too bad of a price.

1000 gallon tank

Installing a new KFI Snow Plow

This winter has been rough here, LOTS of snow. I didn't want to put a plow on the RTV, but it became a necessity. Not needing the expense of the beautiful Boss plow, I found and ordered a 66" KFI plow. It has arrived, very quickly due to an excellent ebay seller and business owner. He managed to find a plow for me and get it here quickly.

I thought I would document the installation since info on these is kind of scarce.

Here is the RTV and my work area.

The plow cost $688 delivered. I also ordered an adapter to raise the front lift point and a winch bracket. I had a winch already, new in the box from some years ago. Wiring and winch mount are in route.

Installing a new KFI Snow Plow

What to load, stack in hay sheds, and reload 3x4 bales with?

Seriously, make your pitch for what to buy, i'll sit back and listen.  Options i see are telehandler, or a wheel loader.  I will stack 6 high in the sheds.  I can use either one for other things too, so i have no preference..   :confused:

What to load, stack in hay sheds, and reload 3x4 bales with?

BH-2 or something else?

Well folks it is time to up my game on moisture testing. MY Delmhorst F-2000 as been doing OK seance I got it a few years back, but I keep having to send it in each year for a switch issue. Instead of one reading it cycles through everything when you push the button. The big reason is climbing on and off the tractor all the time. I want one to mount in the baler to check (give me an indication) as I go.


I am baling grass hay with a bit of alfalfa and clover mixed in, I do not have a conditioner. Hay is cut with a IH 1300 mower or Kuhn PZ170 drum mower. I have a tedder and rake, so can get a pretty good dry down - usually 3 to 5 days in Colorado. I try and bale on the dry side (12%) to eliminate any chance of mold. All my hay is for horses.


It appears the BH-2 is highly recommended. Are there others I should look at? I have a Hesston 4550 baler (inline). The BH-2 folks say to mount to the sides of the bale chamber (uncut sides of bale). Others have said top and bottom rail to read one cut side. Lots of information in the searches I made. What does the real world say? Also instruction I have been reading say to place the sensors vertically, however I have seen many mounted at a 45 degree angle. Don't understand this. If you have an inline, can you post pictures of how you mounted yours?


My tractor is a Bobcat CT 235, I have 12V power at the rear and dash available, but want a temp mount system so I can remove when not in use. Any ideas on how to do this. Hood is metal - dash plastic. I could mount it to the ROPS. Any Ideas and pictures would help.


Thanks everyone



PS - Do folks have recommendation where to buy.

BH-2 or something else?

Small Square Bale Tension Adjustment question

New to making hay here, spent a lot of time bucking bales when I was young but I never saw the baler being adjusted.  On my old John Deere (and most other small square balers I’ve seen) it looks like there are two adjustments that affect the bale tension.  There is a plate on the top of the chute and a pair of wings on the sides. When I baled last fall I initially had the tension too tight and ended up with broken knots.  After I loosened things up the knotter ran fine but my bales could be a touch tighter and there is a noticeable “ripple” down the sides of the bale.  Is there anything about the bale that I should look for to determine if the top adjustment is too tight or loose or if the side adjustments need to change?

Small Square Bale Tension Adjustment question

FS OT Kubota Grand L 3010 Industrial Tires (R4)

For Sale or Trade: 4 wheels and Tires for Kubota Grand L 3010 4wd. These are R4 Industrial tires.

I've been here before, once again we have a lot of rain and so my trails through my property are mostly mud. The R4's on my tractor are barely worn, and work well for yard work or loader work but not so good in the mud. I have a couple areas of my property that I simply cannot get to. My RTV and ATV can get there but not the tractor because of the R4 tires.

I've princed new R1 / AG tires for my tractor and I'm looking at $1900. Dealer was not interested in taking my tires on trade as he had no customer in need of my R4's.

So, I'm hoping to find someone that could use a good set of R4's for a Kubota 3010 4wd. Slime chance but worth a shot. If not a member here and interested please use the 'contact us' button at the bottom right of this page to contact me (put Kubota R4 Tires in the subject line).

FS OT Kubota Grand L 3010 Industrial Tires (R4)

Size of outlet from X1100c fuel tank

mardi 24 janvier 2017

I had a problem with junk (spider) blocking my fuel outlet and shutting off my machine. I've been trying to order a spare outlet so I could design a stand-up filter that Kubota should have installed in the first place. I cannot buy just the fitting, but it is part of the complete fuel tank for @ $100. Does anyone know what the thread is, or am I missing something?


Size of outlet from X1100c fuel tank

Irrigated Alfalfa

lundi 23 janvier 2017

Hay there HayTalkers,

I was wondering with roughly 3 cuttings per year, how many tons per acre per cut would you get on IRRIGATED alfalfa. I know that there is a lot of variables, weather being a big one, but I was just curious. Any help and info would be greatly appreciated guys thanks.  

Irrigated Alfalfa

Baler Scale

Does anyone know where i can find a baler mounted bale scale? It would be very handy in keeping a constant weight.

Baler Scale

RTV900 brake adjustment

Looking for info on how to adjust rear brakes on Kubota RTV 900

RTV900 brake adjustment

$#%^&! Engineers!!!

Just finished replacing the batteries on my NH TS110!


If I ever meet the engineer(s) that designed the battery compartment on that tractor in a dark alley, I will be the only one coming out of that alley alive!


To get at the batteries (two), you first have to lift the step out of the way and put it into a position where it is directly in the road.  You then have to swing the battery compartment out at a 45 degree angle.  


Then wrestle the compartment cover off while which takes two hands while trying to hold the loader hydraulic hoses out of the way.   All the while trying to reach around the step so that you can lift evenly.


Once you get the cover off, it then takes three different size sockets to get the battery cables disconnected.  A 8mm, 10mm and a 7/16". 


Why, oh why, do they have to mix sizes?  Especially SAE and metric?


That got them out.  I won't talk about getting the new ones in--that was relatively easy.


Engineers should not get their engineering degree until the have worked with, and on, the product they design.









$#%^&! Engineers!!!

Got myself a disc mower! Kuhn GMD 44 input?

dimanche 22 janvier 2017

I picked up this Kuhn GMD 44 today for $1000. It looks like it's in pretty good shape. None of the turtle bearing look bad, and the guy took really good care of it. In my area this was a screaming deal. It's hard to find anything this size that's brand name for less than $2k. 


Does anyone have one of these, or any thoughts on what to keep an eye on? I've done a bunch of research, and it seems like they're good machines. 


All I can say is.. I'm STOKED to not have to use the sickle bar mower for this hay season! I know it's a smaller cut, but that sickle mower was literally a pain in my neck!







Got myself a disc mower! Kuhn GMD 44 input?

Classic Restored Ford 8N Tractor

$3900 Restored

New carb, rotor, starter, battery, solenoid, coil, wiring, gas tank and cap, points, plugs, fuel bowl and filters, steering wheel, emblems and decals, seat cover, radiator hoses. One rear tire is new and the other in good condition. Front tires not new but usable. Hydraulics work well and runs well. Georgetown Texas

email me with questions at

Attached Images

Classic Restored Ford 8N Tractor

Grass/grain drill vs no-till

samedi 21 janvier 2017

Hey Guys,
I need to be educated on drills. I keep seeing old grain drills that are set up as grass drills. JD 8000 series and IH 510 or 5100s. How much tillage is required to plant grass with this type of drill on medium packed dirt?
We have about 30 acres of pasture and 30 of hayfield we want to be able to plant then overseed with mainly rye and fescue. Just looking for some way to plant it without spending 15k on a Great Plains.

Grass/grain drill vs no-till

Fertilizing in winter over snow

Here the other day I was out and seen someone out fertilizing his field over snow.  I have never seen anyone do this and it struck me as being odd.  We always fertilized in the spring.  Are there any advantages to doing this.  The one thing I can see is you definitely know where you have been.  

Fertilizing in winter over snow

looking for round baler

I do custom baling with a 3x3 square baler. Over the summer i have had a lot of request for round bales. So i hired the neighbor with a round baler and he did a bunch of baling for me. he is using a brand new New Holland baler. I cannot afford a new/newer baler so I am wondering what would be a good baler to find? i want a baler that makes nice tight round bales! my baler mechanic said to look for a NH 688, I've also heard JD 535 is a good one too. what are your guys thoughts?

looking for round baler

Advice for the spring planting

I am having a few acres of timber cleared and I won't be stumping it this year.


The stumps are all at ground level as the loggers are doing a great job.


My plan is to rake the ground as clean as I can, drag a harrow around to loosen the soil some.


Question is what could I plant that will help hold the soil in place.


I plan to spray glypo on the stumps before they start regrow as best as I can then spot spray as needed.


All I really want to do is hold soil & be able to spray weed as they come.


In a couple of years I will get the area mulched and plant more Fescue but that's a ways off now..


I won't be harvesting what I plant, leave it for the wildlife to use right now.


What would be something economical to use in this area that might survive in hot dry summers....


Pic of the area for reference...


Thanks, Chris 


land pic.jpg

Advice for the spring planting

Big square straw bales

vendredi 20 janvier 2017

I'm curious as to what big squares of wheat straw are selling for in the midwest. I have been getting 3x3x8 bales delivered by the semi load out of Manitoba for about 35$ a bale. I haven't been able to get to any local hay auctions to get a feel for what they are selling for. Called a couple of private guys and they wanted more than 35$ plus delivery. I'm just trying to get a good feel for the market. Last guy I talked to got snarky with me when I told him if they can deliver from Manitoba for 35$ and he couldn't haul it in from miles away for that he could sit on it.

Big square straw bales

Turning heavy stand of alfalfa into new seedbed

Last nov I plowed under about 10ac of alfalfa that was too dormant to spray kill.
I need to expand my strawberry plant nursery some and would rather not move to another field that's on a different irrigation system and set aside for the 2018 crop. It was plowed and left turned up without any discing. To be able to fumigate in time for a spring nursery crop it will have to be worked up really well and the roots will have to be cut up well enough for the fumigation shanks to move thru the soil without having the long roots wrapping around them. My custom applicator probably wouldn't touch it if I told him it wasn't worked up several months earlier. I'll only have about two weeks to work on it in April before fumigation time. I've made this work before with a lot of discing but the stand wasn't as heavy.
Is this possible? I'm going to have a go at it as soon as it thaws but will be looking for plan B.

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Turning heavy stand of alfalfa into new seedbed

Winch wiring?

I have searched and looked and not found...

Is there an electrical connector under the hood of a '15 x1100c that will handle a 2500 pound winch electrical load? I thought there would be something here, but I sure can't find it.

Any help appreciated.

Oh, I have a new in the box Polaris 2500 pound winch that I bought a long time ago and never got installed on the Ranger. It is actually made for a 4x4, but it looks good. Should work if I can find enough electrons. :whip:

Winch wiring?

Shop lighting

The shop is 40x60 with 16ft ceiling.It has 8 ft HO fixtures and some of the fixtures need replaced. I could go with double tube fixtures but i see there is completly dffrent type of fixtures in shops .. Any one have any ideas?

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Shop lighting

A new breath of life. God bless these UNITED STATES

America IS great again.

A new breath of life. God bless these UNITED STATES

New Holland roll belt 450

jeudi 19 janvier 2017

Will it handle net wrap 11,800 ft in length

New Holland roll belt 450

Strange Hay Mover

Awhile back I talked about my swiss army knife of machinery, my Wallenstein Log Trailer. It does a ton of stuff, but the other day we hitched it behind the Grocery-Getter (Ford Explorer) to grab some bales of hay for our sheep. The wife had a camera so we snapped some pictures. I thought yo guys might like to see it moving hay.



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Strange Hay Mover

Mower Deflectors

I'm just curious if anyone has experimented with adding extra guides/deflectors to their mowers to help grass fall or make a more narrow windrow? Particularly on a sickle mower but i'm open to other ideas.

Mower Deflectors

More Krone tedder questions

Ok, I know tedders in general and especially Krone tedders have been discussed at length many, many times on here before and I think it's safe to say the general Haytalk consensus is that Krone tedders are best of the best. Not trying to beat a dead horse. What I am after is some specifics on a few things on these tedders though from those of you running them. Starting to look around and think about trading the NH 163 (Kuhn 502) on a new tedder. The 163 is a good tedder and has served me very well and I think it does an excellent job spreading hay. It is 8 years old and still looks close to new. We just moved up to a 10' discbine last year and I'd like something that is a little bit better matched to the wider mower and also travels better on the road. Had really been looking over the Pequea TT4100 as a replacement. Had never really considered a Krone simply because the main dealer around here is about an hour away and not as convenient, and had just a lukewarm experience with them when shopping for rotary rakes several years ago. But, I forgot that our chain Deere dealer is also a Krone dealer and saw a brand new KW5.52/4x7T on their lot the other day (first new piece of Krone equipment I've seen on their lot in years). I have to admit it looked pretty sharp and got me considering it in the mix.


I've read many past posts on these tedders and wanted some clarification on them.


1) My understanding is the Krone tedders are plumbed with one hose/one remote and the fold feature takes priority and therefore you can't tilt the tedder back while running in the field? At least not without adding a second hose and redoing the plumbing? Has anyone done this and gotten along ok? Being able to tilt back the rotors while operating is a must for me. We are able to do this with our NH 163 when turning on the ends and this keeps the hay from piling up uneven when turning. The way it functions is the wing fold gets priority but the transport locks keep the wings from folding up more than about a foot, and then the tilt function kicks in. Maybe this is just being picky, but in heavy hay you can create a mess and uneven drying I feel like if you don't tilt the rotors back when turning or doing point rows. Also have a couple rough spots/ditches that I like to be able to tilt the rotors back to cross.


2) Road travel. I have read past posts that say these tedders travel fine on the road, and others that don't. I don't see a lot of Krone tedders in my area but did get behind a neighbor one day pulling his at 18mph and it was swerving bad...but I also think it was an older model with smaller tires than what come on the newer ones? That is really the only thing I hate about my 163...anything over 15 mph and you think something is going to tip over or come flying apart. So do the newer model road travel ok? I don't need to pull them at pickup speeds, but would like to be able to go 25 mph, which is the top speed of the tractor we usually ted with.



I have not priced the Krone yet but I know it will be higher than the Pequea and probably won't get as good a trade on my NH 163, but I just want to get the best long term buy with the features that work for me - and you guys sure do seem to love Krone :D. The Pequea tedders sure do look heavy built too in my opinion. And from videos I've watched of them it looks like it can be tilted back first prior to folding the wings. I definitely like that about it. Thanks for any info.

More Krone tedder questions

Cost to have a 5 strain high tensile fence bulit

mercredi 18 janvier 2017

We are installing a new 5 strain high tensile fence on a rented farm that is being cost shared by soil conservation. We always build our own fence and not sure how much per foot we should charge. I can figure out our cost, just not sure if we can build cheaper than a professional can. Anyone pay to have installed recently.

Cost to have a 5 strain high tensile fence bulit

Engine oil

Ran across an old towmotor forklift close to 50 years old. We have it a couple months use it around the shop it works pretty well. I'm going to change your engine oil and I did not know what the previous owner used. And something that old is it fairly critical to use non detergent motor oil. It also raises the question would SAE 30 be too thick for the winter. I did not find much an operator's manuals online.

Engine oil

Westendorf hay spear

I bought a NH TS110  18 months ago that did not come with a front spike but has a Westendorf  FEL and bucket.  I have another Nh with a spike on the front but was not in hurry to order another spike just would have rather saved the cash.  Called Westendorf and they have some older inventory they are getting rid of for a good price.  I ordered the SP42 double spike.   Dont know if anybody is looking but they have a really good unadvertised deal.  I ordered straight thru westendorf.




Westendorf hay spear

Mower conditioners.....again

mardi 17 janvier 2017

I'm back to looking at mower conditioners again since the NH 499 I bought this past spring didn't work out as I hoped. This time I am going to buy a disc mower conditioner like I should have done last spring. The JD 946 and MF/Hesston 1383 are still my two favorites but I'm having a hard time deciding which I like better......particularly the cutter bar and conditioning rolls.

Anyone have any experience with the JD tri lobe rolls? Supposedly they are the best for drying alfalfa the quickest but I have read that they don't work well in grass and other crops. I need to get alfalfa dry as quick as possible but I also grow grass and oat hay so I need something that will work in those crops as well. What about the JD v10 steel rolls? The steel rolls in the MF/Hesston look the same as the JD v10 so I assume dry down would be about the same between those two.

Also any opinions on the JD vs Hesston cutter bar? I am pretty sure both use the same cutter bar that is in the self propelled machines. Im kind of particular so getting as clean of a cut as possible is important. I find it interesting that the Hesston uses a cutter bar that each disc turns opposite the next but the JD discs all turn to the center of the machine. What advantage does one have over the other?

Mower conditioners.....again

Low Lig Alfalfa

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike

Low Lig Alfalfa

mounting locations for X1100C mirrows

I am getting ready to mount the outside mirrors on my X1100C, but I sure would like to see some pictures of the finished product before I start drilling holes in my machine. Anybody have them?

Cowardly SF :thankyou2:

mounting locations for X1100C mirrows

What are the right hand swith holes used for on the X1100C?

While installing the back light switch, I noticed the blank right hand switch holes seem to not have any accessories associated with them. Does anyone know what they are used for? Just wondering. There seems to be two sets of wires with no purpose behind them.


What are the right hand swith holes used for on the X1100C?

Ethanol Advantage.

43% less greenhouse gas emissions.....AgWeb.


Regards, Mike

Ethanol Advantage.

Wyoming's First Slaughterhouse.

Cody.....from AgWeb.


Regards, Mike

Wyoming's First Slaughterhouse.

SPIDER Tedder???

I have inherited a tedder from a friend who is getting out of hay. All he knows is that he bought it at an auction years ago. It says SPIDER on both arms. I am wondering if anyone knows who these are made by? I'm having a hard time finding out any information on them. This one is in pretty rough shape... but it was free! 



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SPIDER Tedder???

Dewalt Flex-volt tools

Ok, been thinking of making a transition from Dewalt XRP to 20volt system. It's a fair amount of clams to do a trade out so I was dragging my feet. I needed a cordless grinder and ordered the 20 volt one. While it was shipping I read a review of flexvolt returned the 20 volt grinder and purchased the flex grinder. Hopefully I made a good decision. Anyone using the flex tools and if so, were they worth the cost? I checked out the flex saws all at HD and it's a beast, weighs more than my Milwaukee corded one.

Dewalt Flex-volt tools

New Corral and Sheep

I put together a loading shute and a handling corral. Put a buck in with them on Nov1, April1 should start to see some action. These will be yearling ewes when they start to lamb. The Donkey stays with them 24/7

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New Corral and Sheep

Servicing 400 RTV

Newbie with a question. Just did the first oil change. I did not remove the plug in the clutch housing, and add the extra 2 oz of oil. Wasn't convinced it was necessary. Any thoughts on this?

Servicing 400 RTV

Recharging Aquifers.

Arid land changes....from Growing TN.


Regards, Mike

Recharging Aquifers.

Holstein Steers Heavily Discounted.



Regards, Mike

Holstein Steers Heavily Discounted.

Americas Army Worms Invade Africa.



Regards, Mike

Americas Army Worms Invade Africa.

NH 7070 v.s. NH 460 Roll belt

lundi 16 janvier 2017

I'm debating on trading my current round baler off on a baler with the roto cut. I am looking at a low bale count used unit. I am wondering if it's worth looking at a roll belt unit or if there is no real difference. I only looking at roto cut units. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

NH 7070 v.s. NH 460 Roll belt

Had a meet up yesterday

As some/most of you know, we have a small goat farm. We have been in the process of building a milk room/tack area in the barn. When we went to the National ADGA show last year, BCZoom mentioned that he had some material for it that he would sale me. I wasn't able to swing it at that time as we didn't have room for it (who would think, two big vehicles pulling two big trailers and no room). Well as things have started progressing I sent him a PM to see if it was still available - and it was. So yesterday my family and I hopped in the Suburban with the utility trailer in tow. We drove 256 miles to meet Brian (BCZoom) and tour his famous bunker. Have to say, didn't get to spend a ton of time as he was on call, but still was there about 90 minutes or so. In that time period I learned he is a heck of a nice guy and super smart that own a pretty cool bunker which he can tell you everything about. We forgot to get pictures, but have to say, even though it was a 500 mile+ round trip, it was worth it to meet Brian after 13 years or so of conversing and then getting to see the bunker.

Had a meet up yesterday

Krone 323s vs 320 and thoughts on 403 and 283

I am having trouble figuring out the differences between the two. I visually see a different mounting system. I thinks want atleast 9 cut like I have currently.

I have a small personal hay operation. 28-50 acres a year in north Texas that I will cut a few times. Bermuda, Johnson grass and blue stem. I currently use a NH 451 with a propane JD 4010 or a Kubota GC 135. Then I bale with a JD 535.

I have searched and read several forum posts and think I like the idea of a krone. I will be buying used if I can find one in good shape. For around 3500-4000 I have found all three models above. Then a moco bine in a 283gc. For my smaller spaces the pull behind doesn't compute. Maybe I don't understand them. So far I haven't crimped or beat the grass after I cut it. Bottom line any help or insight or thoughts will help. Hopefully I have listed what is needed to help.
Thanks in advance Mike

Krone 323s vs 320 and thoughts on 403 and 283

Ranch Rite Tedder

Does anyone have experience with the Ranch Rite tedders? I'm wanting to upgrade from a 2-basket Tedder to a 4-basket, and the price tag on these tedders is impressive. I just would like to here from someone that has owned one and can testify to it's quality...or lack thereof.

Here's the eBay link

Looks pretty good, but only time and abuse will tell for sure.

Ranch Rite Tedder

IMA LA ROCCO Rotary Rake

dimanche 15 janvier 2017

Looking for info on IMA La Rocca Gask 380 11 rotary rake. There is one on an auction tomorrow and I am looking for info other than the little I have found on Google.

IE if they are rebadged by someone else or if they are someone else's that has been rebadged. Parts availability? Specific weakness for which I should be looking. It appears that it has been used considerable but looks and feels to be in decent shape. 

I've got 5 rakes, but from info here, I REALLY need a rotary rake.

I don't see any on tractor house or fastline to get a baseline used price; general suggestions would be taken into consideration.


IMA LA ROCCO Rotary Rake

Vermeer cutterbar grease.

I'm starting to prep the equipment for this season. Was reading the manual the other day and it says to change the grease in the cutterbar every 500 hrs or yearly which ever comes first. I've never dealt with this "soap grease" so does it deterioate with time or is it just to sell grease. I've cut way back to 100 acres from 250 so is it possiable to maybe do this evey other year or be safe and go by the book. To be honest tearing into 9 of these hubs just to change grease is something I'm not looking forward to.

Vermeer cutterbar grease.

Improved Shifting

samedi 14 janvier 2017

I have discovered that for my 2016 X1100c, that shifting into reverse or low can be improved by pushing the shifter toward the desired gear, and then very lightly touching the foot pedal. If the foot pedal is pushed hard enough for the engine speed to increase, then there is gear grinding, so the object is a very light touch on the foot pedal that must allow the transmission to just start to spin, allowing the gears to mesh.


Improved Shifting


Wondered if anyone had any new complaints or compliments or just general knowledge of these rakes? A local just became a dealer of these?




Sheep are grazers, I know that because I know sheep, but as you guys know, I must get bigger as I make the switch from logging to farming. But as I am crunching the numbers I keep coming back to a 100% confinement operation as being much more profitable then a grazing situation. This is Maine so there is NO WAY I can winter graze, and while I can do some stuff to extend the grazing season on each end, it really comes down to my land base.


Every acre I have of open land is pasturable/hayable and tillable.It is because back in 1900 most of the land base here was open land, but now has reverted back to being 90% forest. Yes I am clearing much of it back again, but the big rocks, boulders, and terrain has already been shaped making it much easier to make tillable again. In other words, if I had some crappy land that could only be pasture it would be one thing, but all of it is capable of growing feed (corn/hay/etc)


I can rotationally graze between the fields as I do now I know, but every time I do the math, it seems like the "cut winter feed/graze" option nets about 150 sheep, where as the "100% winter feed" option, nets 250 additional sheep.


You guys (and gals) are MUCH smarter than I am, but am I missing something? It just does not seem like confinement only would net such a higher return?


Starting from sratch. Equipment suggestions?

Hey guys I'm new here. I've been reading a lot of different posts and I figured it was time to make my own. I am fixing to get into hay producing and I'm starting from scratch and trying to figure out what kind of equipment I should buy. 


It seams like everyone says Krone disc mowers are the best, but what model is a good one? I want at least 9'.


As far as balers go, I'd like to stick with a netwrap (possibly cover edge) Deere. 5x5 bales, or adjustable chamber. I need to stay around $10k range. Not sure which model to go with there either. 


That leads me to rakes. I would really like to get a rotary rake but I figure I may end up with whatever wheel rake I find at a good price since I'm starting out. I've been looking heavy into the Pequea rotary rakes, but I'm open to suggestions. We don't have any rotary rakes around here so I'm going to have to travel to get one regardless of brand.



I have a Kuhn, Vermeer, Krone, Deere, CaseIH dealers all within an hour of me, so pretty much all of the brands I'll be able to access parts for. 


What do you guys think of Tonutti disc mowers?



Starting from sratch. Equipment suggestions?

Load ramps

Looking for some thoughts or ideas on portable load ramps to get into a van trailer to load bundles. I currently load from the ground with a telehandler and push all bales to the front from the ground.

In case my Tele is down, at a different location, or busy, I'd like to be able to load bundles with my skid steer. But to do that I need to go into the van. Best thing would be make a permanent dock , but I can't do that because I could be in a few different locations.

I'm assuming I'd have to have some long ramps to decrease my chanses of rolling backwards. Any pictures or thoughts are apreciated

Load ramps

Bale Wrapping....2 Regional Perspectives.

From Progressive Forage Lynn Jaynes.


Regards, Mike

Bale Wrapping....2 Regional Perspectives.

Now that is a hay grinder

vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Toured where they mount the truck mounted engine driven haybuster hay grinders.



Now that is a hay grinder

2016 Hay Production.

From Progressive Forage Grower.....some good national information.


Regards, Mike

2016 Hay Production.

What to spray on timber cut over to stop regrowth

I'm having some timber cut and I won't be able to clear stumps this year for sure.


A good many of the trees are along terraces between hay fields.


Question is, once the stumps start to regrow what would be best to spray them with and not hurt the grass in the area...


I will be working the edges along the stumps & grass this summer and attempt to keep growth down as best as I can....


I have posted a aerial pic for reference before the cut..


Thanks, Chris


land pic.jpg

What to spray on timber cut over to stop regrowth

PTO pump leaking

jeudi 12 janvier 2017

Have had a Wood Eze firewood processor in the family forever, has a Prince PTO1 pump to run it, the only rebuilt kit for it half the parts weren’t compatible. I mounted it on the processor itself as on certain tractors the pump just barely goes on the stub as the PTO clutch housing is in the way, think like Oliver 66, Oliver Super 88 and Oliver 1600 if you familiar with them. Bought a piece of PTO shaft from The Surplus Center and slid that thru the entire pump then have a locking collar at each end to keep the shaft in place then have a short Cat 5 pto shaft to run it, worked great for the first couple of cords, now has started to leak under certain conditions.

When the processor sits level, the pump is straight up and down and works fine, when tilting the machine to either load another tree or to keep it level with the log it will start to dribble a little oil out the rear seal and fling it. It’s not sucking air past the seal as there is no sign of foam in the reservoir. When it does start to do the dribble thing though the speed of the chainsaw drops, still has enough pressure to run everything, IE winch, splitter, log lock, chainsaw. Just strange that it doesn’t leak when level, but leaks and looses a little flow when tilted. Can’t see what it matters, but for at least the first forty years the pump was always installed on the tractor upside down, now its right side up and the stamping in it can be read without standing on your head. I’m going to change seals once and see what happens, but it was already a new seal in it. Hate to drop $550 on a new pump as they have changed them enough I don’t think repair parts that are listed for it will actually be the right ones since the reseal kit wasn’t correct either. 

I have a video, at the beginning the log is long and the processor is near level, no leakage whatsoever, towards the end as the log gets shorter the angle of the processor is more until the log is short enough then I pick it up and run level again, about the last cut that is shown the pump had a little leakage and the saw was running a touch slower. Just doesn’t make a lot of sense, when the right side is lower the pickup on the pump is even pointing down a little, when the processor is level so is the hose fitting on the pump.

PTO pump leaking

Maine Ag Trade Show

I need to get off the farm more!!


The wife and I had a luncheon with the Maine Commissioner of Agriculture at this years Maine Agricultural Show. It was pretty neat, we allocated 2 hours before the noon meal to see the trade show, and in that time saw exactly half of it. When I get off the farm...a rarity except for church...I run my skimmer and I had so many friends and stuff to talk too. It was like a reunion.


I got the low down on something big the Feds are doing in the Northeast to bolster to the lagging forest products industry as we are crippled here right now. I also saw my old advisor for the small business administration and we set up a time to meet and discuss running the numbers on 250 more sheep. I have really been feelng glum these last few weeks because my farm just seems to be simmering and not thriving, but after talking with so many people, there is a bit more hope. We are even getting looking at getting into some sort of alternative energy too. I do a little with geothermal now, but I would like to do something with a digester or maybe wind...I live on a big hill after all.


I also saw a lot of new equipment. A company out of Quebec had some stuff on display for shredding forest debris that really caught my eye and got me thinking.


All and all it was a lot of fun and makes me feel a bit better about the future.

Maine Ag Trade Show

Spring Wet Season

mercredi 11 janvier 2017

Do you have a large lawn that sometimes gets away from you during the Spring wet season....this could be your answer. ;)


Regards, Mike

Spring Wet Season

Bale Spear

Looking for a quick attach bale spear to put on a kioti tractor that it has quick connect bucket. any suggestions on brand and where to find one at a decent price?

Bale Spear

Milking Equipment

mardi 10 janvier 2017

So branching out a little, I have a couple very beginner type questions on milking equipment.  I have been exploring getting into small scale dairy.  More of a hobby i guess to lose even more money than the beef exploration currently does haha!


So with that, say I were to purchase a complete take out stanchion barn pipeline setup.  Vac pump, stainless lines, receiver group, pulsators, auto wash setup, wiring, sinks, hot water tank etc etc.  If i were to put that in my current barn as a stanchion setup, what would happen a year or 5 down the road when I want to convert to a parlor.  Can none, most, or only vac pump receiver group be used for that transition.


I guess what I am asking is can I take a pipeline setup and essentially put the pipeline and receiver group in a pit when I am ready to put a parlor in along with upgrading claws and ATOs etc?




Milking Equipment

V Blade Ditcher

Successful Farmer. Give this a little time to load.


Regards, Mike

V Blade Ditcher

Making heads or tails of Preservatives

OK I'm back again with a rookie question. I was looking for a good in baler moisture tester to reduce some of the guess work of hand checking hay. Main reason behind that is the business partner (big brother) and I both have public jobs currently and fine tuning the operation would greatly reduce time wasted. In my hunt for a tester I ran up on some forums about preservatives and I don't think I'm grasping something here. In my area spraying a liquid on dry hay while baling is unheard of (and possibly deemed the works of satan). I wasn't sure if this was just a practice done on alfalfa and other legume crops for leaf retention or if it was also used on grass hays. Really in the dark here and since its unheard of here asking for advice from a local wouldn't get me far. Being young first generation farmers we are willing to roll the dice on a different method but I'm not willing to jump totally blind. 


Thanks in advance,



Making heads or tails of Preservatives

Interested in an outdoor woodburner

But I know nothing about them. I have wood available on my property, but is it best to consider one that can burn coal or pellets also?

What are some of the better makes f these burners?
Where did you buy yours?

Any info you can think to share would be appreciated.

Interested in an outdoor woodburner

Upcoming Purchase - Extended Warranty?

As a general rule, I avoid purchasing an extended warranty on big purchases. My truck was an exception back in '05 and I was glad I got it.

I have read about several folks on this forum with some really interesting problems with their units. Unfortunately, I can't tell how old their RTV is but it seems like they've seen a lot of service. I am interested at what point in their RTV's service life did they begin to have issues that required attention.

For the Kubota RTV-X1120 that we are planning to buy, would you purchase the extended warranty based on your experience?

I appreciate the input and really glad this forum exists - I have learned something almost every day.


Upcoming Purchase - Extended Warranty?

Quality Alfalfa Is In The Details.

Wheatland, Wyoming.


Regards, Mike

Quality Alfalfa Is In The Details.

Hydraulic Suction Filter

lundi 9 janvier 2017

Has anyone had a filter collapse internally? The filter has about 150 hours on it and the fluid was changed at the same time. It actually sucked the O-ring in that seals the filter, luckily or Or I would have found this issue. The fluid looks like milk. It was new Super UDT a year ago... I do have my trans pressure raised for the turbo is the only thing done to the pressures. The fluid in the trans looked perfect and the filters on the trans looked great. Are the Hydraulic systems linked if so what does the one on the frame rail actually protect? It looks like it is just the auxiliary hydraulic filter?

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Hydraulic Suction Filter

What pour on for a single calf

Yea, I fall into the category "hobby farmer" LOL....


I have 1 calf here, she is about 9-10mos old, 500lbs or a little more ?? 


I can rub & brush her but never attempted to halter her...  and I don't have a head shout yet..


She is fat & frisky, has quality hay free choice , gets some feed every few days... 


Question is, what would be the best direction to go for worming & later fly control.... pour on, in with feed, etc 


I only have a few places to buy and they have large quantity's, TS, web....  


I see so many different brands & stuff that I don't really want to guess what I may or may not need....  


And what about dosage, so much per weight I would think??




What pour on for a single calf

Hope for the Future

In the interest of being honest, I admit that 2016 was not all that great of a year. It has been tough transitioning to full-time farming and honestly I think 2017 might be worse. But there is always hope.


I am guessing that I am not alone in this. They say a farm only has a great profitable year every 7 years. In those 7 years, 2 might be marginally profitable, 3 will be just under profitable, and 1 will be really unprofitable.


Now that is on average, and a lot of things determine that, such as equipment aquisitions, depreciation, growth, etc, but that is averaged out. Still there is hope for those struggling.


Habakkuk 3:17-18, New King James Version:


Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls—

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.


Stay is all about priorities!

Hope for the Future

Antiquities Act of 1906.

More on the Western land grab/obama retaliation. Maybe they will change the name of the monument in Nevada from Gold Butte to Bundy Butte....that is really what that is all about.


Regards, Mike

Antiquities Act of 1906.

Fuel useage?

dimanche 8 janvier 2017

Before i start, i know this is a dumb question, so i dont need any **** about it. I also know that theres a million variables, and no real answer. Im trying to transition from doing some hay as a hobby to doing it for a living and i need to figure out APPROXIMATELY what my start up cost will be. Ive talked to friends and local guys and gotten insanely different answers. So how the heck do you figure your fuel costs? Heres what im looking at. Ive got about 60 acres im going to out into timothy. Ive been lucky and rented a bunch thats already seeded, but the ground i own needs started over. Its currently grass hay but will have been sprayed, and the ph is around 6.5. My plan is to hit it with a cultivator, but i have a row cultivator so ill think ill have to do it twice (once across and once around). Then ill go over it with a disc, broadcast it, and disc it again. Old tractors, a farmall m and an 8n ford. So how do i estimate? Also, if anyone sees a problem with my olan, id LOVE to hear it, i wont be offended, input from people with experience is extremely important.

Fuel useage?

Slaughterhouse Employment.

Interesting read.


Regards, Mike

Slaughterhouse Employment.


Looking to add another discbine to the fleet this coming season. I'm interested in more info on the moco 735 and 835 11.5 foot hydro swings. Also considering a 946 or Nh 1431 13.5 foot cuts. Is there anything better about the 7-835 vs the 946?


leaking hydraulic quick connect RTV 1100cw

Does anyone have a source for the o-ring and backer for the quick connect? Mine are leaking and the dealer has no listing except the whole unit.

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leaking hydraulic quick connect RTV 1100cw

3pt "Quick change"

samedi 7 janvier 2017

Are these any count, I'm thinking about buying them for my 88 yr old grandpa, who wants to stay independent!!!

3pt "Quick change"

PVC Bale ring

Time will tell. I bit the bullet and bought two today. My highlanders are hard on cheap metal horse ring I have been using. And I am tired of fixing it. Only 1 fit in the pickup so I will get the second another day. Here is first pic. About 2 degrees out. Before these guys beat the bejesus out of it. I will report back how it holds up.

IMG_20170107_151055.jpg IMG_20170107_151102.jpg

PVC Bale ring