Circle C Conditioner Roll Failure

mardi 9 juillet 2019

This past winter we bought a complete Cricle C conditioner setup for our older Deere swather. So far we have put a little over 50 hours on it (header hours). All has been well until yesterday the swather started smelling like burnt rubber. We looked everything over and couldn't find any problems so we kept cutting. Two hours later and we notice that the windrow looks funny. We get out and find that a foot wide strip of rubber peeled off the center of the top roller. Called Circle C and they are trying to put the blame on us saying that something must have jammed in the header and scrubbed the rubber off. While I could see this as a possibility on the bottom roller, there is a foot of clearance around the top roller on all sides so there is no way something could have "jammed" in it.


Has anyone had this happen or heard of this happening to anyone? My guess is they goofed up on surface prep on this roller and the rubber didn't get stuck quite right in this spot...


Anyways, Bryce was good about helping us get back up and running by rapping the roll in duct tape (yes, we did, and yes, it seems to be working), but has yet to own up to the possibility of any fault and isn't willing to even cost share the $3500 to recover the rollers.


Any experience with Circle C or their products in this situation? I really hope they come around as they make a good product, but we can't afford to have a failure after 50 hours and have the only solution be to shell out another $3500 after we just dropped almost $8K...

Circle C Conditioner Roll Failure

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