Moisture Sensor Placement, Small Square Bale Chamber

lundi 20 juillet 2015

Hi Guys-


Have a Delmhorst FX-2000 with the bale chamber sensor on a small square NH316. I currently have it on the cut side of the chamber, thinking that will be the wettest part of the bale. I also have the Harvesttec Electronic Application system spraying CropSaver.


Question- Where does everybody have their moisture sensors positioned?


I recently baled some 2nd cutting alfalfa that was reading 16-18% with it placed on the cut side, didn't apply any acid, probed some bales later when done and they were 20+% in the middle and starting to heat. Lost a couple hundred bales to a little heat and mold. Good cattle hay, bad horse hay. I am always pushing the moisture level trying to keep the stuff green because thats what the horse people want.


Should I put it on the bottom or opposite side to get a better reading?


I hate to say it, but I am done wasting good hay and leaning towards just applying acid to everything for the peace of mind.


thanks for your help....

Moisture Sensor Placement, Small Square Bale Chamber

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