Let's talk about round balers

lundi 17 août 2015

Well I'm starting to get serious about buying a round baler but not sure what baler to get and would like to hear some opinions on which is the best and why. Would be open to JD, vermeer, NH, MF/Hesston. I have no brand loyalty and dealer support isn't outstanding for any brand so that is not a factor for me. I have only ran one round baler before for a single season and absolutely hated it.....it was an older Vermeer.....I'm sure the newer Vermeers are much improved and look really heavy duty so I'm going to try and not hold that against them.

As much as I like the idea of a 5 foot wide baler because I would have less bales to handle I have been told that here in the east it is a problem to transport them over the interstate due to the law enforcement........local law wouldn't be a bother so it would not be a problem for me but it could be a problem for the buyer if they are traveling on the interstate. For 4 foot wide balers I guess a 4x5 would be as big as I could make because 4x6s tend to fall over on our hillsides. If I'm only going to make a 4x5 would there be any sense in buying a 4x6 baler or would I be better to leave the extra cash in my pocket?

A few things that are a must have on my list......wide pickup, net wrap, hydraulic pickup lift. It also needs to be able to handle silage hay because I'm considering a bale wrapper in the future.

Also I do not want to turn this into a color war......if you don't like a particular brand of baler I want to know.......but I need the reasons why you don't like it......not just that it is junk.


Let's talk about round balers

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