NH discbines - flails vs. rollers

lundi 17 août 2015

Upgrading discbines may be next on the list over the next year. Currently run a NH 1410 with flails. Been a good machine, but it just seems to me that the flails do not dry out hay as good as the old NH 411 with rollers we had way back when, or the old 489 haybines we had long ago. But have never done a side by side comparison, just seems that way but I could be imagining things. Mainly do grass hay - OG and Timothy.


I know the flails are supposed to reduce drydown time in grass hay compared to rollers, at least that's how they are marketed. What are some of your opinions and experience with this? I know several people locally who went to NH flail discbines, and then traded them off on rollers because they weren't happy with drydown time. But a lot of them are also still putting up at least some alfalfa, and I just wanted as many opinions as possible.


Also, pull the 1410 with a 2955 usually and it doesn't even know it's back there, and we have some hills and typically very thick hay. If I moved up to the 10' cut machine would I notice much of any difference? I can't imagine adding an extra foot would require but so much more horsepower, but have read on old posts here and other forums where people like a lot more than 85 hp to run these machines, didn't know if it was really needed or not. Maybe to run it 10mph but I wouldn't be doing that anyway.

NH discbines - flails vs. rollers

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