Need Advice

mercredi 15 juin 2016

I am considering selling my NH 66 baler that I have posted pictures of.  I honestly didn't even know what I had until several people commented that it's in really good condition.  If the baler would be better served in someones collection sitting in a barn I would not be opposed to selling it.  I would just need to replace it with something.  If anyone had to guess what I could get for it would I be able to replace it with something else that would be more functional.  I don't really want to ruin an antique piece of equipment.  If this makes any sense I am looking for advice... Would you sell it and try to replace it or would you keep it and just take excellent care of it?


I have about 8 acres to bale and I might do some custom bailing for some neighbors but not any major amount of acerage. 

Need Advice

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