Timothy 2nd Cut Trigger?

dimanche 17 juillet 2016

As I understand it, a second cut of Timothy is generally not realistic. Hot summers and the grass goes dormant.

I've got two fields of Timothy, first year for each. One is climax and the other is Clair. IMHO - the climax Timothy is done for the year. The Clair Timothy has greened up and grown at least a foot or more. While it's hot now, here in the mountains of western VA, we've had a goodly amount of showers and thunderstorms. If this Clair keeps growing, I'm thinking I've got a second cut.


I don't want to deminish the life of the stand. I'm cutting at 5 inches.

What is your trigger for taking off a second cut of Timothy? 12, 18 inches regrowth, never cut a second time?


Timothy 2nd Cut Trigger?

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