Milk price

dimanche 31 juillet 2016

I copy and pasted this from FB


Rusty Herr NmcdDTW16rI.pngfeeling shocked.
22 hrs · Lancaster, PA · 

So my son ordered a chocolate milk at a restaurant this evening (were going to go to mud bogs but got rained out... very perplexing I know...) so got the bill for the one, 12 oz. glass of probably 1 or 2℅ milk... $3.50!!! (Compared to the soft drinks being a full dollar less. No wonder milk consumption is down!) Comes to $37.33/gallon. The farmer producing it is getting paid less than half that for 100 POUNDS!!! (Approximately 11.6 gallons) I'm not very good at math but that comes out to $434 per 100 lbs!!!!! I realize everyone needs to make something along the way but that number is astounding to me. The average dairy farmer receives $15/100 lbs, which for most is less than cost of production right now. And the milk most farmers are selling is 3.5-4.5℅ butterfat which the processors reduce down and use the excess to make other products like butter, ice cream, cheese, yogurt etc...

I'm not one to complain, in fact I try to be a very positive person, but when the gap is this enormous I feel obligated to at least try to make people aware and to please support the dairy farmers and all farmers, especially the local ones. They put their heart and soul into what they do and often make a lot of sacrifices to achieve the lifestyle they love. With a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears along the way.

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Milk price

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