new farmer,1st oat crop, flag leaf showing, harvest now? best for horses?

mercredi 15 mars 2017

New farmer and new forum member, First post:


Had a heckava time irrigating 50 acres with dirt canal.  Learned about, throwing siphon pipes, breakouts, failed checks and needing rubber boots and shoveled many yards of dirt and mud moving water!  LOL


almost 4 months now getting hot, 55-60 at night, 85-90 during the day.  Yeah you guessed it, Arizona!  near Maricopa, outside Phoenix metropolitan. 


Most of the field is at flag leaf stage, Just got warm 10 days ago. I think heat is slowing down the growth slightly.  I have been told cutting at the boot stage is best for horses.  We have a lot of those in Scottsdale  :)


  Took random samples all over the field.  Most flag leafs are just emerging now, 10-20  percent are all the way out, only found one oat plant with a boot bulge,


How long do you think it will be before the oats are in FULL BOOT?  And how long until the oats pass the boot stage??


Thanks for any suggestions!!!!

new farmer,1st oat crop, flag leaf showing, harvest now? best for horses?

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