Thinking of upgrading

samedi 18 mars 2017

I might be thinking to much but .....lately I have been weighing my options for upgrading my RTV 900.

I would sell my 2006 with 850 hours (last I looked) and look for a newer version or maybe an 1140 that would have the bigger dump bed and would haul more people.

Nothing to lose if I put mine up for sale and it does not sell, no problem as I'm happy with it ...and it's doing the jobs I need done. I'm simply wanting a little more utility that an 1140 could give me. My concern is the wheel base of the 1140 being longer would it bottom out on some of my creek crossings that I have to traverse.

Or I would go with a newer version of the 900 ....or maybe an 1100. at the moment I do not want to deal with doors of the full cab all the time. But in the winter they sure would come in handy. Do the 1100 doors come off for spring / summertime and fall rides?

I have not seen anyone else go for an upgrade other than Border Collie an she had over 4k hours on hers. The way she uses hers daily to run her farm we can all understand that upgrade.

Mine is not as much of a need, since my hours are still considerably low, as a want. So I'm looking for the pluses and minues of upgrading, and your thoughts. thx in advane.

Thinking of upgrading

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