Tifton 85 ?'s

vendredi 17 mars 2017


  I have some questions regarding T-85.  Here is a little background info.  I sprigged 15 acres last March 2016 with T-85. The field is located in Fayette count Texas, blackland mostly, used to be a corn field, soil samples were taken, ground prep was done according to TAMU recommendations ( website), post sprigging we had more than enough rainfall, sprayed 3 weeks later with Brash, fertilized with recommended formula and rate.  Had real spotty to no coverage in some areas, but it was up and growing with runners 2-3ft long.  Fast forward to now and.


    So I have T-85 that is growing, runners from last year appear dead as they are not greening up, there is a fair amount of common Bermuda growing and spreading also, I have already fertilized with again recommended formula and rate, this made both common Bermuda and T-85 really perk up and start running, do have some weeds starting to grow. 


    My question are: Will the T-85 out compete the common Bermuda and take cover or will the common Bermuda keep the t-85 from covering?  I am sure hoping that the T-85 will to some degree choke out the other stuff.

   Being that this is a new stand I am wondering whats best to spray the weeds with, looking for something with residual ( I think this will be best- maybe not) , but do not want to stunt the growth or burn it. ex Grazon p+d, Grazon Next HL, Weedmaster.

  Should I keep fertilizing it or let whats growing (root in)? - would like for it to run as much as possible before it gets really hot and while we have good moisture.


All help, suggestions and even criticism (lol) is welcome.

Thanks in advance,




Tifton 85 ?'s

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