BC5070 Baler - Safety latch

mardi 9 mai 2017

Could be a Mike10 question, but maybe someone else has came across a fix (model service bulletin perhaps).  I recently bought a used 2010 (Anniversary Edition) BC5070 small square baler (not a Hay Liner), that has less than 8,000 bales of usage.  As I was going over it with a fine tooth comb, prepping for this coming hay season I noticed the safety latch cable has started to fray above the left hand lower hay dog.


Cable is part 29 of the plunger/rails & safety latch break-down pdf file attached.


Picture BC5070-01a shows cable fraying.


I am wondering if there was perhaps a service bulletin to upgrade or did NH change this (re-engineer).  The cable is around $90 and at 8,000 bales I wondering how often you need to change this.  FYI, this safety latch stops the plunger, when needles leave home position, so it moves every time a bale is tied.





Attached Thumbnails

  • BC5070-01.JPG
  • BC5070-01a.jpg
  • BC5070-02.JPG
  • BC5070-03.JPG
  • BC507-04.JPG

Attached Files

BC5070 Baler - Safety latch

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